Monday, August 7, 2017


I'm still celebrating my May birthday!
One of my sisters-by-choice sent me this tea set.

Tea Set

I really like the mesh strainer.

Tea Set

The decoration is different on the front and back of the tea pot and cups.

Tea Set

I like the green leaves.

I used to bake a lot ... by scratch.
Not any more.
I've gotten very lazy!

I was cleaning out the pantry and found a package of Sticky Fingers 
Carrot Spice Scones.
Just toss the mix into a bowl, add water, mix, bake.


They look good and are tasty!

Tea Mosaic
Tea and Scones

Wishing YOU well and much joy!



  1. What a pretty tea set. I was a tea drinker when I was younger, but became a coffee drinker in my 30's.

  2. Hello, the tea and scones sound delicious. I like your new tea set. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week!

  3. The easier the better works for me. I love your new tea pot and strainer.

  4. I love all tea pots and your Asian set is very pretty. Easy scones (never made a scone, is that like biscuit?) sounds tasty too.

  5. Mmmm...those scones look and sound so tasty! I used to bake from scratch....back when we had kids at home and even occasionally when the grandkids were smallish overnight visitors. . now for just two of us it is just too much effort, the most I can ever seem to manage is an occasional pan of cornbread ... The tea set is really nice and you really do get the most out of a birthday ;)))!

  6. How nice! I like the idea of continuing to celebrate birthdays for months on end.
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

  7. Wow is that pretty Snap! Celebrate some more. xox

  8. That is a lovely tea set. Lucky you!

  9. Charming teaset and pretty doily!Love the Zinnias too!Hugs.

  10. I love how your birthday celebration has lasted 3 months! What a lovely tea set. I'm a lazy baker too. Hee!

  11. A very sweet tea set - and the scones do look yummy.

  12. Hi, Snap! I like your green leaves, too! :-)
    I also ADORE Sticky Fingers Scones, but I have never tried the carrot variety. I am putting that on my must-do list straight away! Thank you for sharing!

  13. Tea and scones sound wonderful! Such a pretty tea set! x Karen

  14. Such a pretty set, Snap! I like when an infuser/strainer fits into one of my teapots because I always use loose tea, and it's just so much tidier that way. I drink tea all day long!

  15. Your sister by choice knows you so well, and gifted you with such a pretty tea set! The carrot scones do look yummy, Snap! We all need easy, especially in the summer.

  16. What a wonderful teaset...I would say your sister knows you well! I don't bake as much nowadays either. Sticky Fingers is a good mix though, isn't it? Or some of Pamela's . Sometimes Lazy is good! Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea

  17. I never met a scone I didn't like, and the easier the better! I am drinking more tea these days, so I love your tea set. I find I can't drink wine every night (sigh) for the calories!!!

  18. Great teapot! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home.

  19. Hi Snap, the tea set is very unique with two designs. I buy similar scone mixes at Home Goods like that now and then and they are tasty! Nothing wrong with being lazy. :) Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  20. Snap, what a pretty tea set! I have used the scone mix and I think they are very good!


  21. What a gorgeous teaset my friend! Give me tea with scones any day in this loveliness!



'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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