Friday, July 14, 2017

Thinking of Granny

Every now and then I get an email that makes me laugh out loud.
In fact, I almost didn't open the one with the subject:
Getting Enough Fiber?

I opened it and it was about fiber, but not the digestible kind.

It was about yarn.


I need more yarn like I need a hole in the head! 


Morning Sky
Early morning over the Texas Medical Center

I walk early every morning before it gets too hot and humid.

I try to walk for 45 minutes.
My favorite day to walk is Sunday.
It is so quiet.
No cars on the street so there is no background motor noise.
It's just me, the birds, an occasional sprinkler raining on a lawn.
Last Sunday I listened to the doves cooing, 
the blue jays and the mockingbirds trying to out mock each other.
I even heard one of the local screech owls.
No cats or dogs or people.
And then, there they were -- crossing the street.
A family of seven opossums!
Led by Mom (I assume) they went two by two.

Definitely something I don't see every day.

Just one of those reminders 
that it is the little things that can make a day extra special.

Did you know a group of opossums is called a passel?

I came straight home and looked it up.
Male opossums are called jacks and females are called jills.
The young are joeys -- just like their Australian cousins.


Morning Tea

I love cherry anything!
Mighty Leaf makes a wonderful cherry lemon green tea.
It tastes especially fine in my hand-thrown kitty mug with the moon and stars.
The tea bags are handcrafted silken pouches.
Delicious hot and great iced for this hot weather.

Mighty Leaf began in 1996 as Tea & Company, 
a boutique tea house in San Francisco.
They support artisan communities and 
sustainable farming practices around the globe.


Every time I see a zinnia I think of my Granny.
She always had zinnias in her garden.
All shapes and sizes.

This year, I have zinnias in my garden.
I had an empty space, had the seeds 
and decided to throw them in the space and see what happens.
I think every seed came up.
Marvelous mix of all types of zinnia and the color.
Double wow!

I thought I'd share some of them with you.




  1. Hello, the early morning walks are the best. The opossum sighting sounds neat. Pretty sunrise capture. The tea sounds delicious, I love cherries. Your zinnias are so pretty. Lovely photos. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. I try to do the same with mowing the lawn, once it's get hot you can hardly do anything

  3. Love the sunrise! Beautiful zinnias!
    Have a wonderful day!

  4. I do like Zinnias, they're such strong, independent flowers that will grow anywhere.

  5. is always about needs, twin towers, I'll take an icetea right about now, hard to beat zinnias!

  6. I think your Granny inspired those zinnias to grow so lush and beautiful!

  7. I must be the only person that cannot grow zinnias, I wish I could, but I cant for some reason! They are so pretty aren't they.

  8. Zinnias are such great, old time flowers. I always grow some. I also adore that mug!

  9. Beautiful photos, I love Zinnias too, my grandmother introduced me to them many years ago, I plant them every year! I do love the sounds of early morning and savor them especially when out in my garden! Thanks for sharing.

  10. What fun to see a whole family of possums out for their Sunday morning stroll too!! Great word picture and good info -- I had no idea about what the male, female, baby and the whole passel were called! (Passel of possums really does seem exactly right for the collective noun! What else could it be?)
    Your flowers are fabulous!!

  11. i grew up with those flowers in my father's garden

    Happy Mosaic Monday

    much love...

  12. Your early morning walk sounds peaceful. We're having a rather cool summer so far, and I hope it warms up a little bit. I didn't know about a passel of opossums, but I like the way the words sound together. Zinnias are cheerful flowers. Have a good week, Snap.

  13. Sounds like the perfect time to walk. We usually walk by the river at 7 and see turkeys, an occasional deer and sometimes Mr. Fox. Love that kitty mug, so pretty. Mightly Leaf is good tea for sure. xox

  14. Gorgeous! I love walking in the early morning as peaceful and contemplitive. Love your cat mug! How cute! Haven't tried that tea, but it sounds delicious! And your Zinnias are wonderful! So cheerful! Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  15. I had forgotten all the names of opossums! I felt like asking if there would be a test at the end of the post! heehee! Joeys...sounds so cute. Love your pretty flowers too! Enjoy your walks! Hugs!

  16. Your early morning walk sounds just the thing to start the day off right, lovely zinnias how wonderful that all the seeds produced flowers for you to create mosaics with!
    Happy Mosaic Monday from Florida.

  17. Oh, Snap - your flowers are so pretty. I am impressed that you walk 45 minutes a day! I soooo need to do that - I have gotten so fat since my foot broke last year. I just wanna sit, and sit I do! :-(

    Thanks for your visit - means the world to me. Hugs to you today and always!

  18. Wonderful mixture of zinnias - among my favorite summer flowers.

  19. I’m happy for you to see such lovely zinnias in powerful blooms. Your late loved grandmother would be smiling. I imagined a family of opossums crossing the street. I haven’t seen even one in person. And thanks for the English language lesson about “opossum”. I was reminded of a song “Jack and Jill” by association. Wish you a lovely week!


  20. Your zinnias are so pretty! I don't think I've ever seen a possum, although I've had a couple deer sightings over the last few weeks. I'll have to keep an eye out for Mighty Leaf's cherry lemon green tea.

  21. Snap - "Getting Enough Fiber"? LOL!!!

    'Possums are not always cute as adults, but I must imagine the mama and babies were cute as buttons. I loved the kitty mug, and the zinnias also reminded me of our garden when I was a child. They are so dependable and make great bouquets that last a long time. Wishing you many more peaceful morning walks.

  22. Your morning walk sounds wonderful and so fun to see the little family. The tea is one I have not tried. Lemon-cherry - Yum. Your mug is so cute. I've never grown zinnias either. Such bright, pretty flowers! Certain flowers do bring sweet memories. My Grandmother grew gladiola. I always think of her when I see them. x Karen

  23. I love the zinnias and how they remind you of your dear grandma, Snap! Next year, I'm going to plant them in a spot that just opened up in my side yard. They'll reward me with some cheer. The cherry lemon tea sounds luscious and perfect for summertime. Wish I could share a cup with you!
    Happy Belated Birthday wishes are sent to you...what great gifts you received!
    Thank you for your visit on my post about my Mom!

  24. I love early morning walks as well, it is the most beautiful time of the day.

  25. Just back to say how pretty the zinnias are!

  26. Some interesting word facts here! And that mug is neat.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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