Thursday, October 6, 2016

I Will Have Had Enough

I'm sure you've noticed.

Pumpkin Spice is everywhere.


I'm sure by the end of October I will have had enough,
but for right now, Pumpkin Spice is a little thing that I'm enjoying!

Thomas Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice English Muffin
topped with Pumpkin Butter from Trader Joes.
(I'll be eagerly awaiting their cranberry muffin.)
Pumpkin Spice iced latte with Pumpkin cream on top.

Wishing YOU well and much joy this pumpkin season!

Little Things Thursday  


  1. Pumpkin spice is a gift of the season. Let's enjoy it while it lasts!

  2. I am enjoying the pumpkin spice stuff also. I did see a sign on an auto parts store that said get your pumpkin spice tires here. I thought that was pretty funny.

  3. I'm not a big fan of anything with pumpkin in it, but since everyone else seems to be, I will make the most of giving easy pumpkiny gifts right now, while it lasts.

  4. I've been baking pumpkin bread. Seems like the right thing to do in Oct! Enjoy your treats.

  5. I've never tried pumpkin spice anything but later this month, I'm going to make a pumpkin spice cream cheese spread. I've succumbed to the CULT!

  6. The would be my idea of a treat too!

  7. Ha, I'll never have enough. Since I haven't really begun to go pumpkin cra cra I'll be into it long after Thanksgiving. That's a really cute towel.

  8. I almost got a Pumpkin Spice coffee the other day but decided on a Cinnamon Roll coffee instead. (Local grocery store coffee shop) - I think that the Pumpkin Spice would have been better from SB as I've had them before. That muffin sure looks tasty.

  9. I will be the only person to comment and say that I don't like pumpkin spice anything!! lol

  10. The muffins look and sound scrumptious -- I've been meaning to make a trip to ou local Trader Joe's -- its a little out of my usual shopping path, but I know it's worth it! But I really really really don't like my coffee pumpkin spiced. Really.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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