Friday, September 23, 2016

Starting Early

I've been fighting a bad back and haven't been able to get out and about.
Here are a few fun things I did find this week.

Autumn arrived and the cornucopia makes an appearance.
You can learn more about the cornucopia and celebration of the harvest here.

In Musashi's Garden, the plumeria are still blooming.


Of all the pretty Autumn table-scapes I've seen,
I think I like this one the best.
Vibeke is Norwegian and her blog is gorgeous. 

Do you enjoy armchair traveling?
Do you love Paris and all things French?
Enjoy watercolors?
Then you should visit Paris Breakfasts.

On the way home from the grocery,
I noticed this:
A neighbor got the jump on Halloween!


Everyone knows I love Halloween,
but even I don't start this early!

I'll leave you with a few words of wisdom from
the Fortune Cookie Journal:

"Nothing good comes from jealousy but
there is good to be found in jelly beans."

Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. I get the biggest kick out of the witches for Halloween. Is it October already? Well, not really but these cooler temps make you think it is.

  2. I won't be enjoying plumerias blooming until I'm in Maui in February. Lots of witches seem to fly into trees this time of year. Enjoy the weekend.

  3. Now that really is too early for Halloween! Love the Fortune Cookie saying, it's just silly!
    bon weekend

  4. Nooo! Too early for Halloween decorations to go up!
    Your selection is fun though and I love the Norwegian blog.
    hope your back is better soon!

  5. My sympathy for your bad back. That's a bummer.

    Armchair traveling is the main kind of traveling that I do these days. I'm able to travel not only to different places but to different times both in the past and the future. All through the magic of books!

  6. I'll have to check around my neighbourhood and see if anyone is ready for Halloween yet. It's still quite warm so not really in the mood! Hope your back feels better soon.

    Happy Five on Friday

  7. That is really, really early for Halloween.

    The plumeria are lovely!

  8. Sorry to hear that you haven't been well, I hope you are feeling much better soon. I like the idea that there is good in jelly beans! Thank you for joining Five On Friday, lovely to see you, have a good weekend! xx

  9. LOL! TOO cute!

    My youngest daughter and I had lunch yesterday with the baby - and she must have mentioned that she wants to decorate for Halloween so badly she almost can't stand it and thinks about it all the time. I told her it is 90s degrees and too hot and too early - but I have a sneaking suspicion she did it anyway, haha.

    She hosts our family's annual Pumpkin Carving party now - I did for years - but now she has her husband's family in on the fun she likes to do it. We discussed menu and logistics, etc. - so she is REALLY into this.

    I am going to check out some of your armchair travels. Hugs. Have a wonderful weekend, sweet friend. ♥

  10. I need that witch! I love me some Halloween!

  11. Good Morning Snap,
    What a lovely mosaic with those pretty flowers are! That Halloween doll clinging to the trunk made me smile. Beautiful residential with the beautifully trimmed grass. I like your header. Your cat is still sleeping?
    Happy weekend to you!

  12. Thank you for visiting my blog, I hope you get to Seville one day. Best wishes for a quick recovery with your back! And while it may yet be too early to set up Halloween, that witch does make me smile.

  13. I hope your back improves quickly. Pain saps so much energy. I really liked the tablesetting on Vibeke's blog - so pretty and light looking. I'll be going back to her blog, so thank you for pointing the way.

  14. I had to smile at the errant witch! That's what she gets for starting her flights so early! The plumeria are lovely - I bet the scent is great,too. Hope your back improves soon.

  15. Having back pain is the worst! I hate it when it hits. Hope you get better soon. Hope you can get out and enjoy your fall...oh, Halloween's just around the corner. I've always enjoyed it a lot too.

  16. Love this post Ms Snap, My computer is on the fritz so have not been able to post. I'm on my laptop for now. I shall visit all your arm chair posts. Take care of your back dear friend.

  17. I live near Salem, MA. It's only one town over. You can't even imagine the decorating that goes on there in October. It's a madhouse.

  18. Enjoyable post and I enjoyed the links also. Thanks so much!

  19. Hello, pretty flowers. The halloween witch is cool, I have seen them around here too. It does seem a little early for decorations, but some people are really into Halloween decorations. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  20. The jelly beans quote is cute! And the witch may be a bit tattered by the time Halloween gets here. Hope your back feels much better this week. Try to take it easy! Hugs, Diane

  21. Hey I need your ghost. Take it easy with your back. I've been using a heating pad for mine and it makes a big difference.

  22. oh no, i hope your back is feeling better! love the plumeria and i had fun looking around paris ancestry is french on my dad's side so i am a little obsessed with france! thank you for linking and i hope your week is going well!

  23. Love the quote! And the flowers. Hope you back is feeling better.

  24. Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday. We did so much decorating at our old house back when we lived in Spring/The Woodlands area, that people would tell us they made special trips just to see our house on Halloween... and also Christmas. Decorating for those two holidays was so much fun!

    But now that we live in the country, and there are no kids around at all, there's no one to decorate for anymore. (I doubt the truckers that drive past really care, nor the neighbor's cattle and donkeys. Lol!) I really miss it.



'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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