Friday, May 13, 2016

Your Dreams, Your Dreams


1. It's that time again at the Farmers Market.
Fresh Peaches

I've also been getting fresh picked strawberries.

Amazing how different they taste from the store bought berries.

I'm on the look out for tomatoes, blueberries and blackberries, too.

I also came home with Blue Heron Farms new flavored chèvre

cinnamon roll.
Just the thought makes my mouth water!

2. It's also the time for an iced chai from Starbucks. 


3. I love my morning walks.
I love listening to the birds.
The doves are always in the background cooing to each other.
This morning, I heard a something I hadn't noticed before.
It was as if the bird was saying "Your Dreams, Your Dreams".
Imagination is a great thing.

4. This weekend is the last home stand for the Rice U. Baseball team .. the Owls.

And, summer temps will be here ... hot and humid to end the regular season.

5. Empty Bowls Houston is this weekend.
A great way to support the local food bank.
The bowls make great gifts, too.

Empty Bowls is a grassroots effort by artists and craftspeople in cities and towns across the country to feed the hungry in their communities. Empty Bowls Houston is presented by Whole Food Market and implemented locally by Houston-area ceramists and artists working in various media, Houston Center for Contemporary Craft and Houston Food Bank.
For a minimum $25 donation, attendees have the pleasure of selecting a bowl from hundreds of one-of-a-kind, hand-crafted bowls donated by Houston area ceramists and craft artists, then receive a simple lunch of soup donated by Whole Foods Market and freshly prepared by Houston Food Bank Community Kitchen. Pottery and woodturning demonstrations and live music will be featured.
The empty bowls serve as a reminder of all the empty bowls in our community and around the world.

Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. Hello, wonderful randoms. I love the fresh picked fruits like strawberries and blueberries.YUM! I have never tried iced chai, maybe someday. Cute shot of the Robin. Weather permitting, I enjoy the early morning walks too. The Empty Bowls sounds like a great event. I hope they do well.

    Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. Now i want a peach.

    Empty Bowls sounds like a terrific idea.

    Wishing you a Splendid Weekend.

  3. I want a peach too! I love your photography skills and am quite envious!

  4. right about now I'll have to settle for peaches that I canned last year!

  5. Oh those peaches! Beautiful, and I bet super tasty! Made my mouth water! And a cinnamon roll...I could go for a peach and a cinnamon roll this's all your fault! :-)

  6. 1. Yum on fresh produce. A little to early here yet for Peaches or Strawberries but I'll be anxiously awaiting their arrival.
    2. I've never tried Tea at Starbucks but I did get a Macchiato (sp?) the other day that was yummy.
    3. I enjoy walks to and we love sitting watching the birds from my mom's front porch. Doves often visit the feeders.
    4. Enjoy the game.
    5. That's a great thing.

  7. I love the Empty Bowls idea! Kudos to your community!

  8. Empty Bowls sounds like an awesome fundraiser for a very worthy cause. Love your new header photos too!

  9. Your photos are great! I would like to taste those delicious peaches!

  10. Oh there's nothing better than eating a ripe peach in the sun! Looking forward to that :) have a lovely weekend

  11. Those peaches make my mouth water. I agree--fresh fruits taste so much better.

    Our county as an Empty Bowls event each year in early December. It's a great event.

  12. The peaches do look good. Yum! :-)

  13. I can almost taste those peaches!

  14. This was a real pleasure.

  15. Empty bowl Houston sounds like a great project! How nice to get a handcrafted bowl and a meal for that price and to support a great cause!

    I've been hearing lots of birds here too. It's amazing how they sound like they are saying something. I think with the birds and the lighter mornings it is the reason I've been waking up earlier.

    Have a lovely weekend

  16. You had my mouth watering at the thought of all the sweet new berries and tomatoes. Have a good weekend, complete with iced chai!

  17. Already hot and humid here. We have the local harvest pick up-fill a grocery bag given toy ou with cnon perishable items and the post office workers pick them up as they deliver mail. The bowl exhibit does sound like fun thouh,

    Hope your finger heals too.

  18. I haven't had a peach in awhile

  19. Your photos are amazing. I feel like I can lift a peach off the page and taste it. The Robin is a real beauty and the lighting is perfect.

  20. A great five, the photos were amazing. Such a wonderful idea the bowls scheme

  21. Nothing beats a fresh seasonal peach. You're making my mouth water x

  22. Yum peaches. Yay to food bowls, and cinnamon chevre. xox

  23. I think I made a mess of my previous comment. Your photos are beautiful, especially the bowl of peaches. Hope that the empty bowl project goes/went well, very worthwhile. Thank you for joining Five On Friday, I hope you are having a good weekend. Sorry to be late visiting, I have been otherwise occupied as I said in my post. xx

  24. Oh fresh fruit - it is a little early here in the Pacific Northwest yet - but soon. First strawberries - can't wait. Great project for feeding those who need it. We had our mail carriers food drive today - we leave bags and boxes of food at the mail box. Every year they collect about 20 tons of food for the local food bank.

  25. I'm totally craving peaches and what a great cause.

  26. I couldn't help noticing the lovely bowl holding those fresh peaches. It is the perfect time of year with fresh fruit and birdsong. Nice shot of the robin, and I love your sweet kitty in the header.

  27. Awesome randoms my friend. Love the bowl idea... Thanks for joining in!

  28. Lookit you starting a peach revolution! Like a peach flash mob! Go fruit! I feel the dribble on my chin and I can smell the sweetness and ohmahgerd I NEED a peach.

    But then empty bowls. That's cool. I'm doing a thing with backpacks..filling backpacks up with snacks and a small blanket and pillow and personal hygiene kits for folks without homes.

    At work, our program has adopted this saying about violence prevention -- no one has to do everything, but everyone has to do something!

    It's kinda spilling over in our lives. :)

    Uhoh. I;m back to wanting homemade peach ice cream. :)

  29. Empty bowls is a wonderful event in our community, too! And now I want peach ice cream, too! My favorite aunt used to make it for us when we were very little! Thanks for that memory. Aloha!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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