Friday, May 20, 2016

I'm Feeling a Bit Moldy

1. Im feeling a bit moldy after rain all week. 
April showers bring May flowers. 
In my case, April showers bring more May showers. 
Lots of tropical downpours meaning I'm taking water OUT of the pond. 
I don't want the water going over and the fish going over, too. 

Water Garden

I've read each and every one of the Maisie novels. 
I'm happy to report that Maisie is back. 
She is dealing with the deaths of her husband and child. 
In Journey to Munich Maisie is sent undercover to Berlin to bring back a British citizen who has been imprisoned in Dachau. 

3. The regular home season for the Rice University baseball season is over. 
I'm going to miss my little buddy Sofie. 
Sofie is six months old and is in training to be a service dog. 
Her people are parents of a Rice baseball player . 
Sofie is a great baseball fan and I'm going to miss her (and her people).


4. I finished another knitted shawl. 
I'm calling it a shawl/scarf as it is smaller in size than the shawl I finished earlier.

Knit Shawl

5. I've been gathering my index cards. The 2016 version of ICAD (Index Card A Day) will start on June 1. This will be my fourth year and it is always fun. A little bit of art every day is good for everyone!  

Meow 2013 ICAD

Wishing YOU well and much joy.

Willy Nilly Friday


  1. I hadn't heard of ICAD. It looks great and I'm thankful that you've mentioned it. I could use a little more art each day and will be looking into it more. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Hi Snap, I love your pond lily and koi. We've had a wet May, too and the forecast is for more. I keep thinking that the wildflowers should be pretty this summer! That pup has a sweet face. I like when you use print in your cards - I always enjoy reading the words behind the pics.

  3. Sofie will be a great dog, so intelligent looking!
    Your shawl is in such pretty colours!
    Hope things dry up and you can enjoy your weekend

  4. We've gotten a good bit of rain the last few days

  5. Love your art! And now I have another book to put on my list. Sounds really good!

  6. Hello, I believe now it is May shower will be June flowers.
    Sofie is a cute dog, I think she will be a great service dog. The shawl is pretty, I like the pretty blue colors. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  7. Such a gorgeous looking dog. Loved the shawl, such beautiful colours.

  8. Nice to see that lovely shawl! And I do hope that the sunny weather continues here for a least one more's not been a very nice Spring so far. Oh, and I love the ICAD. I have followed some of the participants, but have never done it myself. Too much pressure. I do them when I can and abandon them in library books. TGIF! Aloha!

  9. Oh, sweet pooch. Beautiful shawl. Love seeing the ICADs folks create. Sending sunshine wishes your way.

  10. I always enjoy seeing your beautiful and inventive index cards for ICAD! Have fun again this year!

  11. Gosh I hope that your fish will be alright and not float away! Let us hope things dry up a bit for you. Your shawl is very pretty isn't it. Enjoy it! Thank you for taking part in Five On Friday, I hope you have a good weekend!

  12. The creative challenge sounds very interesting and not something I've come across before. Love your shawl.

    Angela - Garden Tea Cakes and Me

  13. She looks like such a sweet doggy, I know you're going to miss her. We had been very dry and then the heavens opened up this week, everything is soggy.

  14. oooh I did not know about ICAD either, looks really good fun. Now do I have the time...

  15. ACK! I haven't read that Maisie Dobbs mystery yet - I'll be prepared for the grief!
    Hope the rain settles down soon. Your knitting is very pretty.

  16. Moldy? I'm sick of have eyes full of dust and grit! Send me some rain please and thank you.

  17. We are having a very wet May, as well. Felt like taking the canoe to town instead of the car.

  18. I've got to keep a look out for the waterlilies at our local arboretum, your shot is so pretty! The ICAD sounds like an awesome project!

  19. Good luck with your pond, hope the fish stay put. Lovely shawl, nice colours.

  20. The shawl looks great! Hope the weather clears up a bit. The ICAD sounds like a fun project to be involved in.

  21. I think I'd miss Sophie too. Most likely she will not be there next season as she will be in more training or in her new home.

    Love the meow card. Index card a day sounds like a fun idea. Happy birthday to you too.

  22. We have had a lot of rain also, and more to come. Looking forward to some sunny weather this coming week, keeping fingers crossed. Your pond looks so pretty and I can understand why you don’t want your koi getting lost over the side. I had read several Maisie Dobb’s novels but not this one. Love the time period. Sofie, what a sweetie, bet she is going to be a wonderful service dog. Wish I could knit, your shawl looks lovely. Love your artwork.

  23. I love your card - it is so pretty! Your dog friend is cute and water lily looks lovely... Happy Sunday!

  24. Wouldn't want to lose those cute fish!!! Nice shawl, I love the multicolors! xox


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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