Thursday, May 5, 2016

Rainy Days and Sunshine

Zinnia in Musashi's Garden

1. Finally, the rains have come to an end for a few days. No more flooding. We can dry out a bit before the chances of rain go up again. Figures. Just as the rains stop, Daily OM sends out an email about rainy day ideas! So, to be prepared for the next time, here is that email.

May 2, 2016
Rainy-Day Ideas
Uplifting Showers
by Madisyn Taylor

The arrival of one or more rainy days can also be interpreted as a signal to slow down and contemplate life.

The simple miracle of water falling from the sky has been interpreted in many ways by many cultures. In various areas of the world, rain was viewed as a nourishing gift, given by well-pleased deities. Rain also served as a symbol of emotional cleansing and represented the unending union between earth and sky. Today, rain is often seen as an annoyance—something to be borne doggedly while attending to one’s usual duties. But the arrival of one or more rainy days can also be interpreted as a signal to slow down and contemplate life. When Mother Nature darkens the sky and causes drizzle to fall, freshly opened buds close and many animals settle into their nests for a period of repose. We can honor rainy days by following the example put forth by the flora and fauna around us. Even if we must venture out into a shower, we can still slow down and appreciate our connection to nature. 

A rainy day spent indoors can be wonderfully uplifting. As the rain pours down, fill your home with light, sound, and comfort so that you can fully appreciate the loveliness of being snug and dry during a downpour. Storms literally change the energy in the air, and you may feel driven to follow suit by burning incense or sage, ringing bells or chimes, lighting candles, or singing. You may even feel compelled to talk to each room in your home in order to express your gratitude for the protection they give you. If, however, you feel claustrophobic rather than calm because you cannot venture outdoors, you can clear away negative energy by getting rid of clutter, sweeping away dust, and freshening your up spaces. The happier you are in your home, the more beautiful and wondrous a simple rain shower will seem. 

A sheltered spot like a covered porch, sunroom, or bay window can provide you with a wonderful vantage point from which to meditatively observe raindrops as they make their descent to earth. And the pitter-patter of rain on a rooftop or car window can even be a therapeutic and soothing sound—one that reminds us that while the unforeseen will always be a part of our lives, we should never forget that nearly every cloud that comes into our lives will have a silver lining.

From an email from Daily Om.

At least, with all this rain (the wettest April in recorded weather history here), it will keep the temperatures down a little. We will still hit the 90s but maybe the 100s will be few and far between! 

2. We are enjoying the last of the cool mornings until next October.  It's been a perfect time to plant. For me, my garden is not complete without zinnias. Zinnias remind me of my Granny and that makes me smile. I picked up a flat of yellow zinnias and some dusty miller. Can't forget the herbs. I added some dill and chives to my already full herb pots by the back door.

3. Fresh Market is closing its stores in my city. I'm sad. Fresh Market was the closest grocery to my neighborhood. I'll miss a lot about this store ... the classical music playing. The welcome of the flower shop as you entered -- always beautiful orchids. The produce -- especially the already prepared "sides" of veggies .. especially the asparagus seasoned and ready to be roasted. The smell of the coffee as I made my way around the store. The great selection of cheese. Italian Roast Beef by the pound. The wonderful bakery -- breads and pies. The smiles on the employees faces. You get the idea. Too bad they never advertised! I knew the specials because I was on the email list. There was never an ad in the paper like the rest of the groceries in town. 

4. I am knitting another shawl -- different pattern. I'm calling it a scarf shawl. Also have a baby blanket in the works with the crochet hook. 

5. I am reading The Summer Before the War by Helen Simonson. I should finish it in a couple of days. The English countryside before the war. The study of a town and it's inhabitants. Characters that will steal your heart. The end of innocence as the war starts. I loved Major Pettigrew's Last Stand and knew I'd have to read The Summer Before the War. Two different books. Each charming in their own way. 

Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. Sorry to hear about Fresh Market. It will be a loss to you!

  2. I just finished The Summer Before the War. Helen Simonson is a very talented writer. Even though I didn't enjoy this one quite as much as Major Pettigrew, it was still an interesting read.

  3. I love a rainy day spent indoors. Rain has always sparked my creativity. I love reading or writing blog posts whilst it rains outside. It makes me feel poetic and it fills me with peace. Saw your comment on Terri's blog and decided to come visit. I think I will stay, if that it ok :)

    Cheers, Keith

  4. Pretty Zinnia,Snap.Have a great day.

  5. Hello, I am tired of our cloudy rainy days. It is a little depressing. I guess I need to find some happy things to do inside. I love zinnias, I hope to plant some in containers soon. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  6. Have fun in the garden! I'm mostly planting seeds this year. Thanks for joining in this week. xo

  7. Always sad when a market you like closes. Have a great weekend.

  8. I do enjoy time resting indoors when it rains. It is very calming.

  9. rainy days make the sunny ones sunnier

  10. I'm trying to remind myself that these rainy days are refreshing compared to the heat of summer. But I do enjoy the sun every now and then! I'd love to get 'back' into knitting. I started learning, but have not gotten particularly good. Have a great weekend!

  11. I grew hot pink zinnias like that one in your photo two years ago...the seeds I planted last year weren't the "hot" colors, though. I'm trying again this year with some different colors.

  12. I like the thoughts about rain! Hope that your seeds do well and you have some great flowers for the summer. Thank you for joining Five On Friday this week, hope you have an enjoyable weekend!

  13. Very pretty flower!

    Sorry the supermarket is closing. Seems like old fashioned customer service is changing and no longer a 'thing'. Sadly.

    Have a great weekend

  14. Very enjoyable post, thanks for sharing.

  15. We're big fans of Zinnias too. Loved Major Pettigrew's Last Stand and have ordered the author's next book.

  16. Gosh I just love Zinnias and have a full flat of them growing in the greenhouse. Couldn't have a garden without them. sorry to hear about the fresh market. I'm also a knitted and working on a Ragland cropped sweater.

  17. I'm not sure I've ever seen a purple Zinnia. So lovely!

  18. It rained all week here too. Zinnia's are just the thing for a cheery garden. Sorry about the market, we come to rely on those local spots. xox

  19. I've had The Summer Before the War on my reading pile for a while now. I'll move it closer to the top :-)

  20. Lovely thoughts on precipitation! I listened to raindrops on my I Phone a lot after buying a mix of nature sounds. My favorite is ocean waves.

  21. we have been having daily thunderstorms and not a whole lot of sunshine which is kind of getting me down! sorry about your store closing :( beautiful zinnia! thank you for linking to willy nilly and hope to see you again soon!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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