Friday, April 8, 2016

This and That

Mug of Tea
Mornings in the Atrium

1. Opening day(s) for Major League Baseball is this week. Game after game after game could be found on ESPN. It is a baseball lovers dream! 

2. We've had such lovely weather I had to take advantage of it to walk into my village for breakfast. On the way in, I let a young lady who was walking her dogs pass me. She was a cute young thing. (I'm of an age now that anyone I deem younger than me is a "young lady" or "young man".) Dressed in a T-shirt with blue jeans that were rolled up past her ankles and her hair was in a top knot with the ends sticking out in all directions. Her dogs were bulldogs (mixes I think) and she walked them in tandem. As she passed I heard her say, "let's go sausages". I giggled and I've been giggling every time I remember them. Too bad I did not have my camera with me. Sometimes I think a book could be written just about the moments in time that make one smile. On the way home, the jasmine in one of yards was blooming. Oh, that sweet, wonderful smell of spring! Another one of "those" moments.

3. The weather won't be perfect forever, so in preparation for high temperatures and high humidities, I now have a new, efficient, heat/AC system. I won't discuss my empty bank account, but I'm ready for summer. Bring it on! Ha!

4. Taxes are done. It's always a relief when they are done and with no major disasters. 

5. Look at this! I have amaryllis blooming in the garden. I caught the sun at just the right angle. 


Five on Friday

Willy Nilly Friday

Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. I still have to do my taxes but here in Canada we get until the end of April to submit them, so there's still plenty of time!

  2. Good morning, the fountain and flowers are pretty. I love the amaryllis. we are having colder than normal temps lately. Maybe even some snow on the wway today and tonight. Crazy spring weather! Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  3. Sometimes I think a book could be written just about the moments in time that make one smile.

    Yea Verily! <3

  4. i enjoyed your description of the dog walker, i felt like i could envision the scene and that is too cute "sausages" :) i have to admit, i love when i get called a young lady since i will be 50 this year! makes me happy and laugh a little inside! lucky you having spring weather, we are in a freeze warning for the weekend, yuck! thank you so much for linking and have a great weekend!!

  5. Congratulations on perfect indoor weather!!! That's gonna be nice -
    Beautiful photos - and, I'm giggling over the walking girl and her sausages . . . thanks!!!

  6. as I look out at the snow falling, thanks for reminding me what spring should look like

  7. Gorgeous Amaryllis! You sure did get it just right.

  8. I got my taxes done about a month and half ago. I had sold some stock given to me by my former employer. I had two separate tax papers that came at different times for it. This was a headache. I miss the days of just one W-2. I think I might just have it next year.

  9. Wishing Spring weather would arrive here. Don't remember the last time I was still wearing long pants ans sweaters in April. Though I shouldn't complain...we've had no snow! Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

  10. A fine read and loved the photos.

  11. Thanks for your nice comments on my post today! I do like that mug of Tea it's sun a good size! Hope you enjoy some pleasant spring weather this weekend!

  12. Ha opening day for in NY they will not be happy playing outside in snow! Now that is one GIANT mug of tea! Lovely flower shot! Aloha!

  13. Noticing moments gives life more satisfaction (I can almost see the bulldogs and smell the Jasmine). That Amarylis! Of course, you would have a mug that says "Mug of Tea."

  14. We are in for a freeze this weekend. Not looking forward to it! Your scene with the dogs made me smile.

  15. Yeah for baseball. We have the baseball package from DIRECTV and have a dozen games a day to choose from, need I say we love baseball.
    Our taxes went out this week too, glad to see the back of them.

  16. Oh Jasmine! Your brought back some great memories. Evening walks in Southern California where night blooming Jasmine was everywhere! Funny about the sausages. Hope you have a nice weekend.

  17. That was a great 'five' Snap.
    Today when I was out walking I kept on catching snippets of conversation. I thought 'there ought to be blog post in some of these' - and here you are doing just that.

  18. Lovely post - and gorgeous flower. The "sausage" remark makes me smile too - I have a friend with a dog named "Susie Sausage" - and she is.

  19. A marvellous amaryllis! Cannot believe, that it blooms in the garden, know them only indoor in pots.
    Have a great weekend

  20. What a beautiful colour your amaryllis is!

  21. I really liked the picture of the courtyard. A very inviting place to sit and sip. Ah yes, MLB is starting. When your favorite team in in the North East the opening of the season is often greeted with snow as is ours. We do our taxes fairly early every year so happily they are long done.
    The Amaryllis is LOVELY!

  22. Oh my it is nice to hear someone has good weather...and it must be glorious with amaryllis blooming...cold still here.

  23. Such a beautiful amaryllis, stunning colour. I think it would make a great book writing about moments that make us smile.

  24. 1. I'm not much of a baseball fan but I can relate to enjoying sports (just a different one)
    2. It's always nice to have wonderful weather to enjoy and I liked hearing about that simple moment that made you smile.
    3. So very true. Good thing you are now well prepared.
    4. Hubby handles that, apparently ours are still not completed.
    5. So beautiful.

  25. What a beautiful amaryllis. I've got a bright red one blooming just now, it's a beauty too.

  26. I used to watch the World Series with my dad when I lived at home. He played baseball for the Air Force way back when. :)

  27. I've never been a fan of baseball past the kids' pee wee leagues, but I always like watching the little ones. Lovely image of the amaryllis.

  28. Beautiful flower and fountain. I have completed my taxes. Weather is good here...

  29. I would love to read that book!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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