Friday, April 15, 2016

This and That

Water Lily

1. The new lily in the water garden is blooming. 

2. One rainy day and I was able to finish Dimestore, Lee Smith's memoir.  Smith has been telling the stories of the Appalachian south for 45 years. Dimestore is her own story. From helping in her father's dimestore, to her son's death, to teaching, to the importance of local cultures, this book was a winner. A  small delight for all Lee Smith lovers! 

3. On my morning walks, I've noticed that the blue jays and mockingbirds are having a grand time "out mocking" each other. What a noisy group!

4. The Rice University baseball team is home this weekend. Games Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I think I enjoy going to the games because watching these kids keeps me young! Ha!

5. I'm almost done with my KAL shawl. Hope to show it off next week. My hands have lived through the knitting, but are starting to complain a bit. I will take a break for awhile when this one is finished.

Joining Nancy's Random 5 Friday.

Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. Hello, I love the pretty waterlily. Great randoms. I hope to see your pretty shawl soon. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. How lovely to have a water lily blooming! Ours are deep in the murky waters not awakened yet.

    This book, and the author sound wonderful - thank you so much for sharing, I must go and read about her and find the book.

    I hope your hands will be okay, and look forward to seeing your work.

  3. Still keeping those fingers flying. That lily is gorgeous - love the color and the bubbles. Enjoy your baseball games!

  4. Happy Friday, Snap!
    Enjoy those sights and sounds of spring time!

  5. Snap! That water lily is stunning!!! Sounds like you're getting some pretty decent weather. Even though it's been a little cool here and the windows are still shut, I can hear the seagulls making a racket on the deck. Come on, warmer temps!

  6. What a stunning Lily, such a striking colour, a real delight.

  7. Lovely lily. Can't wait to see the shawl

  8. What a beautiful water lily! I have never seen an Mockinjay, I don't think they live in my part of the world. Have a lovely weekend.

  9. Oops, I meant to say mockingbird and blue jay.

  10. Lovely water lily. Mine have not returned yet. I think perhaps I need to get some new ones for the pond. Yours is a reminder to me. Happy weekend!

  11. The water lily is beautiful, I wish I had room in my teeny tiny pond for one but it's far too small.

  12. #1 It's a beauty.
    #2 News to me.
    #3 They think that they own the place.
    #4 I'll be busy taking a hike in the woods.
    #5 My hands complain every day.

  13. Wonderful flower!
    Oh yeah, the birds can make a lot of noise, therefore they are so small - - -
    Enjoy the springtime

  14. What an interesting and fun post! The water lily is indeed wonderful, as are your header images. :)
    Have a lovely weekend! xx

  15. What a pretty flower! I haven't heard of this book, will check it out. I am always looking for new authors. I've been watching the blue birds flash their gorgeous blues as they dart here and there. The martins pretty much have center stage, but I love to see the others too. Congrats on your shawl...I wish my eyes weren't so bad..I used to love to crochet and knit.

  16. What a gorgeous shade of pink on that water lily!

  17. What a gorgeous photo. How I love water lilies! We have no pond anymore so I really miss them! Thank you for sharing!

  18. Adorei estar aqui!
    Uma linda flor.
    Aqui no Brasil tem o nome de flor de lótus.


  19. thank you for sharing this

  20. Lovely water lily! Fun to hear the birds on morning walks. Enjoy those baseball games!

  21. So pretty and I enjoyed reading your randoms. Happy weekend :)

  22. Beautiful image! I look forward to seeing your shawl. I would love to have you join my Friday's Hunt.

  23. A gorgeous pink water lily Snap!
    I've enjoyed your this and that for the week!
    It's great hearing the birds trying to outdo each other - a territory thing I suppose.
    Looking forward to seeing the shawl.
    Happy weekend

  24. Beautiful to have a waterlily in one's own garden!!! I have always loved Lee Smith's books, and didn't know she had a memoir. So glad you told us about it...I'll be ordering a copy!

  25. water lily is beautiful, I'd not heard of Lee Smith, her name is added to my want-to read book list..:-)

  26. Can't wait to see the shawl. Yes, all those hand stitch things take their toll. I can relate. Lovely lily, your garden must be bursting now. xox

  27. Stunning lily! We are seeing a lot of Blue Jays & Robins this year...the Robins haven't been around in a couple of years.

  28. That water lily is stunning. I am jealous. Sometimes I think about having a water garden but we already have enough trouble with mosquitoes here and I attract enough of them already.

  29. I look forward to seeing the shawl. I've never made a shawl but I've seen a few online patterns that are tempting me to try.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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