Friday, April 1, 2016

This and That

A memory from Paris.

1. I finished reading A Paris Apartment by Michelle Garle. I enjoyed it, but thought it could have been even better! Based on the true story of a treasure stocked Paris apartment that had been closed for seventy years. Amazing!

2. The Rice baseball team is away this weekend, which means I have the weekend to do whatever I want. The weather is supposed to be close to perfect, so sitting outside near the pond and reading sounds like a good idea.

3. The Final Four is in town ... lots of traffic. No, I'm not going, but will watch on television.

4. I'm getting a hair cut today and then off to the grocery store.

5. I've put my crochet hook down and got out my knitting needles. I find that crochet is easier on my hands, but I found a knit shawl pattern that looked pretty quick and easy so I thought I'd give it a go.  

It's so nice to have Nancy back with Random 5 Friday.

Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. Wonderful photo of the Eiffel Tower. I fear on our tour this time we did not get a close as you have. Jealous! Have a grand weekend!

  2. I enjoy reading about Paris. I wonder if I would enjoy this book.
    I think you have the right idea. just sitting and reading while it's quiet and you are alone. That's what I would do.

  3. Hello, gorgeous view and photo. The book sounds interesting! I am not into watching basketball. Good luck with your knitting, I hope all goes well. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend.

  4. the book sounds really good, i've added it to my list! a weekend alone also sounds really good, enjoy! thank you for linking!!

  5. Enjoy your knitting and have a great weekend.

  6. Lovely Paris photo.
    Enjoy your time alone.
    I'm not into Basketball so I won't miss watching the Final 4
    Reading I do enjoy so I'll have to write that title down and see if our library has it.

  7. Hope you enjoy your knitting, I look forward to seeing your shawl! Thank you for taking part in Five On Friday, I hope you have a great weekend! xx

  8. there was a bit of time when i could manage neither - knit or crochet . . (or a bazillion other things my hands used to do . . ) Now you have me wondering if it's time to give it a try . . hmmm . . . you've given me hope. THANKS

  9. I crochet, wish I could knit, but pretty sure I wouldn't be able to handle 2 needles, I'd knit myself into a ball. Not much of a basketball fan, but I'm looking forward to the start of baseball season.

  10. Happy Memories! Praise God for them. Now I am interested in this book you wrote of; what a find. That would give me terminal goosebumps.

    Wishing you a lovely weekend by your pond.

    **blows kisses**

  11. love your shot of the Eiffel Tower...I have a similar photo from my holiday in 2011. I am crocheting a blanket atm....I love it but strangely, I find it very hard on my fingers and hands....they get so sore.

  12. Your hands are always busy, Snap. I love the Paris photo! Good Luck to your Rice team.

  13. Lovely angle on the Eiffel tower photo, and I enjoyed reading your Friday Five. Thank you so much and enjoy your Sunday :)

  14. Love the photo. And book sounds interesting. Who can resist Paris?

  15. Great photo! The book seems exciting, I've searchend: in september it will be aivable in German, it's on my wishlist now.
    Enjoy your weekend

  16. I've heard of that book but not read it - I'll search the library.
    I seem to remember o blog by this name a few years back - do you remember Snap?
    Nice to catch up!

  17. Thank you so much for participating my friend! I would love to cut my hair shorter, but the "Mr." is not in favor of it. Rats. Have an awesome week and hope to see you this Friday. xo

  18. I have seen photos of that Paris apartment--a very interesting story.

    I am getting my hair cut tomorrow by a new stylist. Hoping for a miracle--lol--as my hair is changing texture and needs it!

  19. What a truly fantastic image of the tower. Paris is always on my mind come Spring. I hope that you + yours are enjoying the change of season. x

  20. Lovely monochrome photo! A very good week!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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