Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Sun Has Not Disappeared Forever

The sun came for a visit.
It brought spring time temperatures
And pink mornings.

pink sky
Pink Sky in the Morning

Mina in her sun puddle.

The sun is only visiting for a few days.
Cold, wind and rain come back this weekend.
We'll have to remember the words of Arnoud Desjardins:
"On days when the sky is grey, the sun has not disappeared forever."

Wishing YOU well, much joy and a sunny day!

Little by Little
Thank you, Kim.

Thank you to Karen for hosting Sun Lit Sunday.


  1. Adorable photo of your Mina with a golden glow.

  2. What a beautiful portrait you took of Mina. She looks so content. xox

  3. Beautiful header and lovely photos ~ love Mina's photo ~ so cute ~

    Happy Weekend coming to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  4. It's always nice to get those little reprieves from winter. However, we are still kind of waiting on winter to show up. We've had a mild one, which I guess really isn't all that bad. I would love one snowy day.

  5. So very true - even behind the cloudiest day lies the sun. Pretty pink sky.

  6. We had a couple days in the 70's this week! It felt like Spring! Today the cold weather came back and some snow will fall on the weekend. It was nice while it lasted!

  7. We had a wonderful sunny day today as well, but -20C. Love your Mina. Somehow kitties find the right spot.

  8. Like you I'm trying to capture sunlight whenever and wherever I can despite the rain.
    Cats are so wise they always find a sunny spot to pose, great shot of Mina.

  9. two very fine photos, but of course specially the photo of Mina
    take care Jaana

  10. Good quote for what can be some dreary days in the winter.

  11. Beautiful photos of light. Your cat glows in the sunshine and the pink tinge to the sky is wonderful.

  12. Great quote one to hold into during these dull days

  13. Mina looks so sweet enjoying some sunshine.

  14. Mina looks like a cat from a fairy tale in that photo - all golden, and ready to grant a wish.


  15. I love the pinks in this post, so the sun brought a little warmth an light AND happy colours! Mina looks like she appreciates the visit, albeit, short.

    Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!


  16. Yes, that sounds like a very good thing to remember or the sun is always shining at 30,000 feet. Mina is such an elegant cat. Must look back and see what I have missed.

  17. Oh that photo of Mina is WONDERFUL.

  18. I love the expression "sun puddle" and the puss looks beautiful in hers!

  19. A wonderful photo with the light... and a wonderful cat -


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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