Friday, September 27, 2013


It's Friday.
Time for a little this and that.
A little randomness.

A few coolish mornings here (high 60s) and that means I can get out and walk.
A few walks up to my village and some window shopping.


I noticed on my walks that the trees were talking/singing.
The breeze was wonderful and the sound in the leaves -- listen carefully.


I've been working on Potholders for Christmas.
A Christmas Wreath

Christmas Wreaths

and Christmas Trees.
I have a few more to do.

Christmas Tree


Pumpkins are starting to show up at the grocery stores.
I'm starting to think about Pumpkin rolls, Pumpkin Bread, Pumpkin Soup.

Plans for the weekend:
Football, decorating for Halloween/Autumn, more crochet, some reading
and, of course, playing with the kitties.

Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. Love these glimpses into your week/your life...your weekend sounds like is going to be relaxing and filled with pleasures. And a big yes to singing trees! Happy weekend my friend xo

  2. Fantastic pot holders and will be so perfect for the coming month!

  3. Marvelous 5. Love those potholders, both designs. Love your Halloween header, so cute. Glad you got some cool to spend time outside. xox

  4. Yep, singing trees....or singing wind. But I love this time of year, too. Love the potholders!

  5. Thank you for visiting my blog.
    You certainly have a good start on Christmas crocheting. I haven't even thought of Christmas yet and I always run out of time... Oh well.

  6. wow, you are ready for Christmas & talking about pumpkins - that is making me giggle.

    i was looking for a pumpkin at one store guess i need to look at another because they only had one size. i wanted something on the smaller size not huge. no wish to cute it up or anything that like, just decorating for fun. ( :

  7. Oh wonderful! I know how long you have waited to have some cooler temps...Your walks sound marvelous! And it appears that you'll be very ready for Christmas gift giving or decorating. Those potholders are adorable.

  8. Your crochet is just perfect! Love the trees!

  9. The first thing I saw was your new banner. All ready for Halloween :)
    Those are cute potholders.

  10. Your crochet work is so pretty! I love those wreaths. Your weekend plans sound perfect--my kind of weekend, especially with the reading and the kitties. :-)

  11. Have a nice walk, Snap. I should do that too. I played golf Tuesday and it was really nice until about noon.

    I like your pot holders. Are a part of the wreath you are making?

    One other, Football. Did you go to the Bayou Bucket? I wish I had.

  12. Oh, my, Snap! You are so well-prepared for the holidays. Will you come help me out? Sweet potholders!

  13. I love the wreaths! Mostly though, I love your thoughts on the trees singing. I hear them too.

  14. Cute potholders! This is why I'm no good at decorating, I won't be thinking about Christmas until the middle of December, and then I'll be so busy with the stuff I have to do that I won't have time for fun stuff like pot holder (sigh). Enjoy your weekend!

  15. What a wonderful post- and love the potholders - I've got that pattern so I must begin at once - oh wait - have to get the yarn first - then I'll begin - at once.

  16. Your crochet projects are just adorable! I love the wreath! I'm thinking pumpkin brownies...

  17. Snap,
    I like your fall themed header and Christmas Tree pot holders.

    Pumpkin Rolls and Jack-o-Lanterns have crossed my mind too.

    Enjoy your fun sounding weekend.

  18. I just KNEW you'd have potholders . . .Hurray!

    You speak of singing trees. I once lived in a forest. When wind breaths through the pines, i honestly think the sound is the Voice of God.

    Then, snow must be the Whisper . .

    Happy Fall to You!!!

  19. Things made with pumpkin are yummy. Soup is delicious on a cool fall day. Speaking of cool, i'm glad you've had some cool mornings to walk. :)

    Have a fun weekend. And enjoy your playtime with kitties. :D

  20. Those are some sweet, little wreaths!

  21. Lovely handiwork! AM really enjoying reading everyone's randoms...enjoy your weekend♫ Thanks for visiting me♥

  22. You crochet so nicely- those are fabulous, Snap! Love them - wow.

    You are mega talented for sure!!

    Have a wonderful weekend.


  23. Hi Snap, you are so creative with the knitting/crochet...I can't tell which is which because I'm completely naff at either. These little Christmas treaties look lovely. I miss the songs in the trees; mostly heard at the Thames in OXON where I live part of the year. It's true, wind in the willows is alive and well.

  24. Very nice crochet for Christmas! Fall is my fave time of year! Ok, whatever season comes in is my fave...ENJOY! Aloha

  25. I love how you've updated your header for the season! Have a wonderful weekend :)

  26. You always find the most interesting potholder and coaster patterns!

  27. Those are so cute! Will you be selling these or are they gift items?

  28. Each week I look forward to Friday potpourri. I love these posts with little glimpses into your life. It's cooler here, too, thank goodness! And pumpkin soup sounds good to me. I love the potholders you're making, and the Halloween inspired banner. You're so busy!!

  29. Oh sweet! How busy your little fingers have been. Feels good to be blog hopping this morning.


  30. I love walking ... especially when the weather is cool and crisp. And you are so right.....the trees are singing!
    Pumpkins and apples!!! A definite sign of Autumn!
    Have a lovely crisp weekend!

  31. I want your weekend. The trees here are screaming with 60 mile an hour winds, horrendous rain and power outages. Not what I had planned. No gardening this weekend :-0

  32. I hear the trees sing, too. :) Lovely Christmas potholders. Are the patterns your own?

  33. I do love this time of year. Your crochet projects look amazing. I am trying to knit some socks. I'm a little rusty at knitting. So I hope I finish them.. I enjoyed my stop here..


  34. my mummy loves your crochet! wishing you joy and happy meows! purrs, Rio from Barcelona


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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