Monday, September 23, 2013

My World: McHugh Tea

A good friend and I went exploring last week.
We tried a new spot for lunch --
McHugh Tea.

This is not the first thing you see when you walk in the door.
It should be!
The photos are all black and white, mostly of celebrities, enjoying a cup.
The chandelier is gorgeous and yes, those are tea cups.

McHugh Tea Shop

I ordered a small pot of Cherry Sencha.

Cherry Sencha Tea

I forgot to take a photo of the Salad Sampler Plate before I started eating.
It was all delicious as was the lemon meringue pie.
Regular tea tastings are held in the afternoon at the bar. 
The owner dimmed the chandelier for a moment so I could get a better shot of the cups. 

McHugh Tea Shop

Plenty of tea things to look at.
Tea pots, teacups and of course, bags of whole leaf tea for sale.
Tea art and teacups made into bird feeders.

McHugh Tea Shop

I'll be returning.
Lots more on the menu to try out -- food and tea!

Thank you to the hosts of My World
and the tea parties:

Wishing YOU well and much joy. 


  1. Dear Snap,
    what a exiting and fabulous place to have tea. I really love the modern equipment. The chandelier with tea cups is fantastic. The tea cup with your Cherry Sencha Tea looks really luxury and the salad plate looks yummy. Really a sweet place. Thank you so much for sharing this nice place.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  2. I love the tea cups on the dowels, for the garden? And the chandelier in another environment might be a little much for anyone other than a tea lover.

  3. Well Snap, what a wonderful outing for you and your friend! All the pics wouldn't pull up completely for me, but of the ones I could see, the place looks fabulous. xo

  4. What an awesome place to have tea! thank you for taking us along with you!

  5. This looks like a wonderful spot to have tea and something to eat...the surroundings are gorgeous..I'm loving that chandelier!

  6. I love places like that! And what an accommodating owner to dim the lights for you!

  7. What a truly wonderful place, Snap!

    Wish I could go there with you!!!

    Never had a cherry tea before- did you like it?

    Big hugs, my friend.


  8. What a lovely place! I love that chandelier. How nice of them to dim the lights for a better photo op! And the tea cup you drank from--it's shaped so pretty.

  9. Hi Snap, I love the teacup chandelier. Your tea sounds good too. What a neat place to visit!

  10. Oh Snap - what a lovely place for tea and yours sounded wonderful. Also, the atmosphere is very interesting!!!

  11. What a wonderful place! I love the bird feeders and I will attempt to make one at the weekend. Afternoon tea for the birds during winter time... perfect! Have a wonderful week. xx

  12. What a cool place I would love to go there....xox

  13. What a fabulous place to have tea! The chandelier is gorgeous and I really like the wall of folks sipping their tea. You enjoyed your tea from a pretty cup as well. I would love to make a teacup birdfeeder; so cute! Thanks for coming to tea and Happy Autumn! Blessings, Sandi

  14. What an exciting place to visit and have tea! Wish it was in my neighborhood.

  15. Great place!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  16. Great shots ~ tea places are always delightful ~
    carol ^_^

  17. What a beautiful tea room. I love the way it is decorated...Christine

  18. This tea room looks quite grand, Snap. I like the decor! (And I bet I would have loved the pie...)

  19. Quite a fascinating tea room. I'd love to look at all the photos on the wall. You had a pretty teacup to sip your cherry sencha from.

  20. This looks like a really wonderful place to go for tea. The wall of teas and cups is really cool, as well as the celebrity pictures.

  21. I'd LOVE to have tea there someday, Snap! There is so much cool ambiance in that tea room!

  22. A place that I would enjoy visiting some day!Love the idea of the portraits!

  23. Oh what a wonderful spot to enjoy a cup or pot of tea Snap! I LOVE the photos on the wall~ what a great collection and ambiance with the chandelier!

  24. magnifique endroit !!! c'est pour moi!
    il faut en faire un en France!
    belle après midi

  25. Nice spot for tea!! Wish we had more of those.

  26. Gracias Snap por venir a visitarme a Argentina, un beso muy grande.
    Preciosa tu taza de té y todo tu blog sobre todo porque amas a los gatos igual que yo. Es un sentimiento unico que tengo desde niña, son mi compañía.
    Un beso grande.

  27. I see the food and forget all about taking photos. I just dig in. In my cooking class, a lot of students wanted to take photos and I jumped right in - it is nice to have a reminder.

  28. Oh I would love to meet at McHugh Tea for tea and a chat with you Snap!
    The chandelier is a work of tea art - incredible.
    I will suss out Cherry Sencha here - I would love to try it!

  29. You found a beautiful spot to enjoy a cup of tea. That chandelier is something special!

  30. What an amazing place, so elegant with movie stars and chandelier! The White teacups are gorgeous! Great tea room. Thank you for sharing and for dropping by and leaving me such sweet and kind comment, Snap. Hugs,

  31. Hi Snap,
    I certainly would love to visit that fascinating tea room for a cup of tea and a bite to eat. Those chandeliers are so lovely. Thank you for visiting me. Have a wonderful week. Take care,

  32. I can't imagine a prettier tea shop. Love those photos on the wall. How long do you think it took someone to source those images...holy smokes! Your tea sounds yummy. The other day I tried some Yerba Matte chai and it was out of this world good. Lovely to catch up with you again Snap, hope you have a wonderful week. :)

  33. What an awesome place to sip some tea and see such lovely wares. Thanks so much for sharing.

  34. Hola que bonito bloc, me ha encantado, yo tengo uno hace poco al cual te invito a verlo .

    Me gustan tus fotografias son una maravilla y el ritual del te
    Muchas felicidades por tu bloc


  35. Gorgeous place!
    I'm a coffee drinker in the morning,
    but tea in the evening.
    So I have the best of both.


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