Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Musing With Tea

I enjoyed the final days of summer using my shell teapot 
and oversized teacup.

Shell Tea Set

Shell Tea Cup

I do admit, it's hard to believe fall has arrived with temps in
the high 80s and let's not mention the humidity!

But, just in case Harvest time has arrived where you live,
here is a little weather lore from the Farmers Almanac.

- If Autumn leaves are slow to fall, a cold winter is in store.
- Onion and apple skins, corn husks, and nutshells are traditional indicators -
the thicker the exterior, the harsher the winter.
- An be sure to notice migrating hawks:
Hawks flying high mean a clear sky.
When they fly low, prepare for a blow.

I'm joining:

And some lovely tea parties:

Wishing YOU well, much joy and a lovely cup of tea!


  1. Oh goodness- they are flying low here...not a good sign! LOL! The heat needs to get on out of here...I am ready for milder temps.

  2. Very interesting. I just mentioned that the leaves are leaving the trees so soon this year. That's a good sign, I guess. Gorgeous tea-things.

  3. Predictions are for a cold winter up here where we are used to mild and rainy winters. Every 20 years or so we get a big storm, everyone goes out to take photos in the snow and then we talk about it for years after.
    I like your shell teapot - just the thing for a cosy tea in early fall.

  4. Beautifully composed photos. The weather lore was fascinating.

  5. It seems the color is slow to appear here so maybe that means the leaves will not be dropping early. I love over-sized cups and mugs.

  6. I love your shell teapot and cup and saucer. Fall is here and it's beautiful. So much nicer than the hot humid buggy weather we've had.

  7. What a beautiful tea set! I love ythe raised design....Christine

  8. What a beautiful tea set! I love this pattern with the shells and stars on it. Your photo is so soft and lovely!
    Happy autumn!

  9. I think the hawks are on to something.

  10. Hello Snap,
    Your shell teapot and cup are really lovely. The raised design is wonderful! Being a beach girl, I never tire of shell/beach themed tea things. Thank you for sharing and coming to tea.


  11. Lovely quote...much to muse on. I love the shell motif, because I live at the ocean...2 miles away...so that is a frequent and beloved theme. Thanks so much for visiting and linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  12. Pretty teaset. The weather man has said we will have a colder winter this year.

  13. Hmmm...wonder what lots of winter berries means. I do not like the thought of a colder winter...bah humbug on that!

    That is a sweet tea pot and super sized mug! It can go into autumn very nicely.

    You might be surprised to know that we'll reach 80F today and tomorrow. That is just wrong!

  14. Lovely teapot and cup, glad you enjoyed it. Good ideas from the almanac.

  15. I love your teapot and big cup! How fun.

    We have fast turning leaves here... :D

  16. Enjoy your last days of warm weather, hon...cause I know soon it'll be freezing too! I love the pretty teapot and big teacup; nice for a hot soup in Winter too! Thank you so much for your sweet and kind visit. Big hugs,

  17. Lovely, as always! I like the way you processed these photos!

  18. What a lovely teaset! I like the over sized cup! Geese are flying south and lots of squirrels busy gathering their food for the winter. No matter what we always have a long cold winter!

  19. I love that large tea cup - perfect for the first cups of the day - I always need two!

    Your quotes are perfect for your season - fingers crossed Winter won't be too cold and bleak.

    I'm the odd one out today as of course it's Spring in my part of the world - we have a very fickle weather pattern at the mo!


  20. Preciosa vajilla para el té, me ha gustado mucho como así también tus reflexiones. Feliz otoño!!! desde Argentina.

  21. A very pretty set for the seaside! Your correct fall is yet to arrive here but I'm ready for cooler weather. Have a great week!


  22. I adore that teacup and teapot!

  23. You have such a lovely collection of tea cups and teapots. I never tire of seeing them.

    Still in the 80's here, too but without the humidity so it isn't too bad. I'm ready for some chilly weather!

  24. Oh my gosh Snap, my grandfather used to predict the winter by the onion skins, mind you, he grew them. Now-a-days the onions might be predicting winter in Chile! Love your seashell tea pot and cup. Seashells always say summer and holidays to me too. :)

  25. Great sea shell set today! Very interesting about the Farmers Almanac. Looks like that means a cold winter for us. Have a great week. Hugs, Martha

  26. Your shell teapot and cup are elegant. Beautiful photos!

  27. I hope all signs will point to a cold winter! I'm one of those strange people who likes the cold. :-)

    Love that tea cup.

  28. Adorable porcelain,I love the composition with the books!

  29. What a lovely tea set -- is it stoneware?

  30. Pretty tea set. Simple shell and white, what could be better. xox

  31. Beautiful hotographs full of atmosphere, Snap! What kind of tea did you enjoy? Chinese Green Tea, Earl Grey or herbal teas???
    Regards from Germany, Uwe.

  32. I plan to go out and examine all the nuts, skins, and shells I find! We're supposed to have snow again this weekend. I'll send you some cool.

  33. Beautiful photo of teapot and teacup. Brings to mind lovely relaxing afternoons with a good cup of tea and a good book.

  34. Lovely teapot and cup and saucer Snap. Seashells are so pretty as a decorating motif and especially anywhere near the water which we are a little short on in Colorado. It is fun to see this! Glad to have you at Friends Sharing Tea!

  35. Beautiful teapot and cup! Has such a calming feel, makes me long to sit by the seaside :)


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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