Friday, September 27, 2013


It's Friday.
Time for a little this and that.
A little randomness.

A few coolish mornings here (high 60s) and that means I can get out and walk.
A few walks up to my village and some window shopping.


I noticed on my walks that the trees were talking/singing.
The breeze was wonderful and the sound in the leaves -- listen carefully.


I've been working on Potholders for Christmas.
A Christmas Wreath

Christmas Wreaths

and Christmas Trees.
I have a few more to do.

Christmas Tree


Pumpkins are starting to show up at the grocery stores.
I'm starting to think about Pumpkin rolls, Pumpkin Bread, Pumpkin Soup.

Plans for the weekend:
Football, decorating for Halloween/Autumn, more crochet, some reading
and, of course, playing with the kitties.

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Monday, September 23, 2013

My World: McHugh Tea

A good friend and I went exploring last week.
We tried a new spot for lunch --
McHugh Tea.

This is not the first thing you see when you walk in the door.
It should be!
The photos are all black and white, mostly of celebrities, enjoying a cup.
The chandelier is gorgeous and yes, those are tea cups.

McHugh Tea Shop

I ordered a small pot of Cherry Sencha.

Cherry Sencha Tea

I forgot to take a photo of the Salad Sampler Plate before I started eating.
It was all delicious as was the lemon meringue pie.
Regular tea tastings are held in the afternoon at the bar. 
The owner dimmed the chandelier for a moment so I could get a better shot of the cups. 

McHugh Tea Shop

Plenty of tea things to look at.
Tea pots, teacups and of course, bags of whole leaf tea for sale.
Tea art and teacups made into bird feeders.

McHugh Tea Shop

I'll be returning.
Lots more on the menu to try out -- food and tea!

Thank you to the hosts of My World
and the tea parties:

Wishing YOU well and much joy. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Good Morning!

Signs in a Window 

My favorite is the Wine Flu.


Friday, September 13, 2013


It's Friday and that means it's time for a little this and that
and some random thoughts with Nancy.


I'm sure you are getting tired of me saying it is hot.
I'm getting tired of saying it is hot.
I think that's why I went overboard this week buying magazines that had lots of pretty autumn pics. 


The first home football game for Rice U is this weekend.
It is an evening game -- thank goodness!


I feel sorry for myself because I have a cold. 
I've been curled up on the couch surrounded by kitties.
I got up to replenish my tea and there was Minnie Mina taking over Mummy's spot on the couch. 



I think I have successfully figured out Bavarian crochet.
I'm making a hot pad -- using Bavarian stitch and yarn leftovers from last Christmas.
When it's done, I'll share.


It is wonderful. I'm half way through and made myself stop.
I could have read it in one day.
I slowed down to savor each word.
I love the world of Three Pines and Inspector Gamache.
If you haven't read this series, do it.
Start with the first one, STILL LIFE


Only 50 days until Halloween! 

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Good Morning!

It's A Good Day



A Good Day!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Saying Goodbye to Summer

Most of you are saying goodbye to summer.
I said goodbye to UGHust and am now welcoming sizzling, stuffy September. 

When I think of summer, I think of beaches and sea shells ... like this one. 



I'm joining Nancy for The Tuesday Muse.

Wishing YOU well and much joy!