Sunday, February 12, 2012

One Year Ago

One Year Ago Today
The LOVE of my life,
My Knight in Shining Armor
Left this earthly home and traveled on to the stars.


We would have celebrated 31 years February 1.
I miss him.

The Little Prince


  1. Snap,

    You will always miss him. I lost Richard 10 years ago and I miss him still. My life has gone on and I have found happiness but there is hardly a day that goes by that he is not in my thoughts and heart.

    You will be in my thoughts today.


  2. It's a beautiful homage for him dear Snap.
    We are sending love and good lights.
    Léia and little Luna

  3. Hugs today to you, Snap. "He is stardust. He is golden" to paraphrase that old Joni Mitchell song. What a handsome guy he was, too.

  4. Holy Cow. A whole year. Only a year? Of course you miss him. A year without him is a journey. Sending you cyber wishes. {{{}}}}

  5. He will always be with you, he will always be part of you...that's how true love is. Wishing you nothing but happy memories today and always.

  6. I've never found the love of my life, so I cannot understand the depth of the loss... but I know it is huge, and I am so sorry that you have to experience it. I keep telling myself that we have lessons to learn, and the pain is part of it. I hope you continue to move forward in peace...

  7. Hard to believe that it has been a year... What a handsome man. I can only imagine how much you miss him.

    Lots of HUGS,

  8. Sending good thoughts your must be very hard!

  9. He lives on in your memories and those will last forever. Thinking of you with love, Ivy

  10. A beautiful tribute. I'm thinking of you.

  11. Snap my thoughts are with you. He will remain with you forever. All the precious memories are yours to keep.

  12. oh I just caught your post a little late. Thinking of you today.
    xx blessings xx jeanetteann

  13. {{{Hugs}}} to you, Snap. I know the hole in your heart will never heal, but I hope you can fill it up with all your wonderful memories.

  14. Hi Snap, I am late but I can still send you my hugs ^_^

  15. A year has gone by. I'm sure it has been filled with missing and longing for Mr Dragon. I'm thinking of you, Snap.

  16. Love and hugs to you friend, your love and reverence for him shines through in so many of your posts. It's obvious you had a wonderful life together. Sending peace your way...

  17. Dear Snap,
    Just read your post 'blooming', but there were three other posts listed below. Very moving to read about your husband. It is two years now, but I think it will be more difficult as time goes on.
    Hold on to the fabulous things you shared.
    Love from Holland,


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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