Friday, February 10, 2012

I've Got A Feeling

I've got a feeling that these are the last Kiss reproduction vintage postcards
I'll be sharing with you this year for Valentine's Day!!!

They are both from a Box of Kisses published by Chronicle Books.

I've Got A Feeling For You

"I've got a feeling for you."


"What's a peaceful country scene,
With lovely cherry trees,
Without a pair of lovers keen,
To kiss and coo and squeeze!"

Thank you to Beth for being our hostess for Postcard Friendship Friday.

Wishing YOU well, a JOY filled weekend, and a 
Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. They are wonderful. I always wanted to look like the lady in the garden. Happy PFF

  2. I've got a feeling that the diving board one is fantastic! xox Corrine

  3. My mind is just rolling around in the double entendre gutter today, I guess. All I can see in the first one is that "suggestive" red silo and "nobby" hill. And in the second one -- cherries, oh please! Hee hee!

  4. I've got a feeling I'm gonna miss these Kiss valentine cards!

  5. They are wonderful cards - the second one reminds me of a poem from my childhood ... "Never kiss by the garden gate. Love is blind, but the neighbors ain't"!
    Happy PFF!

  6. Snap,
    These are wonderful! I love the one with diving board!

    Happy Valentine's Day!


  7. hahaha I never even noticed the Red Silo and the Knobby Hill until Debra pointed it out! In the first one it is obvious that love defies gravity because though both of them are exerting weight on the board it remains perfectly straight!

  8. so cute....I'm lovin' ALL this kissin'.


  9. These postcards are very sweet and romantic!
    Léia and little Luna

  10. Such fun cards. I read your profile and I'm so happy you are enjoying retirement!! Lisa

  11. I was going to make a sensible comment but I read Debra's and now my mind won't focus on sensible....

  12. Lovely cards. and of course the swimmer is such a gentleman that he would not pull on the board and dunk his sweetheart into the water.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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