Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Image from Dharma Crafts

White Tara

White Tara is associated with practices intended to lengthen one's life and to overcome life-threatening obstacles. Her special attributes are her seven eyes - the 'third eye' located on her forehead and the other four on the palms of her hands and soles of her feet - which allow her to look upon all beings with unobscured wisdom and heartfelt compassion.

Green Tara Singing Bowl

Tara also embodies many of the qualities of feminine principle. She is known as the Mother of Mercy and Compassion. She is the source, the female aspect of the universe, which gives birth to warmth, compassion and relief from bad karma as experienced by ordinary beings in cyclic existence. She engenders, nourishes, smiles at the vitality of creation, and has sympathy for all beings as a mother does for her children. As Green Tara she offers succor and protection from all the unfortunate circumstances one can encounter within the samsaric world. As White Tara she expresses maternal compassion and offers healing to beings who are hurt or wounded, either physically or psychically.


We have had a healing touch practitioner work with Mr. Dragon to give him some comfort.
We are nearing the end of the journey to the stars and I am preparing to talk
Mr. Dragon on his way.

Right now, we are both enjoying a visit with his sister and DD.

Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers.

Wishing you well.


  1. Prayers for you both and wishes for as little pain as possible. May white light surround you as you prepare for this journey. xox Corrine

  2. May Tara bring peace, strength and love to both you and Mr. Dragon.

  3. So much Love and Light surround you and Mr. Dragon as you do your work, Beautiful One.
    You are in my prayers and thoughts.

  4. I think of you both daily. I hope Mr Dragon can find a space of deep calm.

  5. I continue to hold you and Mr. Dragon in my thoughts and prayers.

    Wishing you comfort and peace, Pat.

  6. Snap, I don't have any words at a time like this. Just know that you and Mr Dragon are thought of each day.

  7. Sending positive thoughts and prayers to you and your family that Mr. Dragon has a peacful journey. {{hugs}}

  8. Wishing you all the succor, peace, healing and protection possible as you enter this part of the journey.
    Thinking of you and holding you both in prayer.

  9. You and Mr. Dragon have been in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sending much love your way, each and every day.

  10. In my thoughts, both of you. . .
    I have mentioned you in my blog today as well; if you can, stop by some time.

  11. Snap, I am a bit taken aback by your post. Love, love, love, touching, touching, touching are all you need both now. Words do not matter anymore on our way to the stars.
    Stay strong, and happy about what you have experienced together on your mutual journey on the planet Earth.
    I will burn a candle for both of you.

  12. You have such a lovely heart.We are always thinking of you and Mr. Dragon, love and peace in this moment.
    Luna and mommy Léia

  13. We are thinking on you ALWAYS :-)
    I know how you are feeling now !!!
    I send you all my love ...

    Kareltje =^.^= Betsie >^.^<

    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´Anya

  14. I'm thinking of you Snap, sending you both courage and love.


  15. One of my friends is named Tara for this goddess. Its a lovely name.

  16. Just dropping by to leave a cyber-hug.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
We are all so busy these days. It means a lot that you dropped in to visit and left a comment. I hope you come back to visit soon.