Monday, February 14, 2011

If The Night Sky Seems Brighter ...

Mr. Dragon completed his journey back to the stars
Saturday evening.

He left this world very quietly with style, dignity and grace.

He was my Knight in Shining Armor,
my best friend,
my everything.

But, life goes on and with luck
I will celebrate life. 

Wishing you well.



  1. Peace to you and may eternal light shine upon your best friend and Knight in Shining Armor.
    Wishing you well, wishing you comfort, wishing you a wonderful celebration of your beloved's life.
    Sending good thoughts and heartfelt prayer to you throughout today.

  2. I wish you peace and all the best as you work your way through your feelings into the future.

  3. My deepest sympathy! May the memories of your great love sustain you and bring you peace.
    ♥ Pat

  4. Peace and strength to you. I do so admire how you and Mr. Dragon faced this most difficult time in your relationship.

  5. My deepest condolences, dear Snap. May Kwan Yin's balm of compassion grant you heart's ease in time. May Mr. Dragon live on in the hearts and minds of his loved ones.

  6. Snap, my heart goes out to you. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Mr Dragon. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts as you travel this new road.

  7. Love and light to guide you through this part of your own journey, Beautiful One. I know you will have his light and love shining brightly on you always too.
    Huge hugs.

  8. I am so terribly sorry for your loss. I cannot even imagine. I have no other words.

    You are in my thoughts.

  9. Oh Snap. I know that there are no words I can say to heal your heart. But please know that I do care and am sending much love your way. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  10. May light perpetual shine upon him, and give him Peace.

    {{{Snap}}} Love you!

  11. I'm so sorry for your loss. Let light into your heart,hold tight to the memories, and time will heal the pain.

  12. Oh my dear Snap, I am so so sorry about the loss. There are truly no words that could be said to fill your heart at this time; only sorrow. I know you will find peace, but until then, my love and peace and prayers are with you...

    love and hugs...

  13. Snap. You two were a perfect match because you have dealt with this last year with style, dignity and grace. It takes courage to go on, to believe in your own life now. Baby steps. I understand the request about donations to your zoo. What an amazing man - may we all learn a little from his life.

  14. Oh, Snap. I'm so sorry. Words can't express what I feel for you. My prayers are with you.

  15. Dear Snap, You are held lovingly in so many thoughts as you grieve the loss of your Best Friend.

  16. Oh Snap I am so very sorry.My heart is with you. I have been away from posting as I have lost my father in law and a girlfriend all in a weeks time. I was so shocked to hear of your loss too. Know I hold you in my thoughts.

  17. Oh Snap, I am so very very sorry to hear about your hubby's death... I know that you were prepared and that he left this world with dignity. May you find that peace and love as you enter a new time in your life without him... May God Bless You.

  18. May you cherish the memories and togetherness.

    In our hearts and thoughts, our heartfelt sympathy.


  19. I know this is a difficult moment.I'm here thinking of you.
    Peace my sweet friend...I'm sending you lights and love.
    Luna and mommy Léia

  20. I am so very sorry. You are in my thoughts, my friend. Gentle hugs.

  21. Such a recent loss... Wishing you and your daughter much grace and peace as you walk this new path.

  22. I am new to your blog I came here via Mosiac Monday and went back to see some of your earlier posts. I wanted to tell you that I lost my wonderful husband two years ago so I know what you are going through, it is so very difficult. No one fully understands until it happens to them. I wish you love and healing.

  23. Oh Snap. I am so sorry for your loss, but so glad he went back to the stars in such a wonderful way. Your journey together was a wonderful loving life dance and an inspiration to us all. xox Corrine

  24. Dear One. . .I'm sorry that Mr. Dragon has moved on. I can't know how you are feeling now but please know you've been in my thoughts continuously.
    Mary Ann

  25. Oh darling you -
    I am so, so sorry for your enormous loss!
    I had totally missed this, been stressed and out and about -
    How wonderful are you to still be able to see the fun and positive things in life? I know that life must go on and it does but still.
    Very sad for you. Hugs hugs hugs from across the world!!!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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