Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hearts and Flowers

Valentine's Day is right around the corner 
and so many in the Land of Blog are featuring wonderful hand made hearts.

I'd love to show you some hearts I've been working on, but, alas,
my fingers have been busy turning pages of the books I've been reading
and crocheting squares for a baby blanket while I sit with Mr. Dragon.
DD (dear daughter) is back with us and Mr. Dragon's sister is visiting.

So, here are some Valentine postcards for you to enjoy.

Valentine mosaic

Hearts and flowers and all things sweet and good.

Valentine Mosaic

Wishing you well and a JOY and LOVE filled week.

A big THANK YOU to Mary for hosting Mosaic Monday.


  1. I love the old valentines - especially the little girl gazing through the window.
    It sounds like you have a cosy day planned.

  2. Hi, I hope Mr Dragon is on the road to recovery. Your valentines postcarrds are just adorable. Cute mosaics.

  3. I'm not eve thinking of Valentine's Day yet so you are WAY ahead of me!

    My head is also lost in books. Isn't that what winter is for? :)

  4. I like the little girl in the open window.

  5. Hearts and flowers to you, too, Snap. You and Mr. Dragon continue to be in my prayers.

  6. wonderful! Love these antique postcards!

  7. The retro valentines are so much prettier than today"s. Have a great week!

  8. I love the vintage valentine cards. They are so pretty and make a great mosaic.

  9. Lovely collection of valentines

  10. I love your Valentines day cards ,and am enjoying the valentines celebrataions here in blogland ,in Australia we do not celebrate it so much ,yes I do expect some flowers from my husband but that is all ,the younger ones are really getting into it and I expect the next generation will be full swing:)

  11. Nice mosaics. I really like the old timey valentines. I just finished making 40 for a swap. Pretty fun. Keeps me busy and out of trouble. MB

  12. Love the old Valentine's! Especially the one with the puppy dog! that made me smile!

  13. Beautiful mosaic, Snap.. I love seeing the old Valentine postcards... NEAT!

  14. Lovely Valentines... I need to start thinking of making some myself! Thanks for visiting Color Chic!

  15. what a lovely collection of valentines. have a lovely week, and thankyou for dropping by my blog and for your lovely comments.

  16. I love the angels with hearts, it's so sweet!
    Beautiful collages!
    purrs and love
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA

  17. Those bring back memories of sending valentines at school. I loved getting a box of valentines and addressing each one for each of my classmates. The simple times.

  18. Such sweet valentines! Lovely.

  19. Vee,
    These postcards are wonderful. Your mosaic reminds me of what great artwork was created in each card from Once Upon a time.


  20. Hi Snap!! Oh I so loooove Valentines Day!! I went out and bought these totally sweet little tiny back packs for my kids...they look like little lady freaking fill with treats of course!! How are ya hon?
    Hugs and love, Sarah

  21. What happy mosaics! Makes me want to craft this morning! I love pretty hearts and have a few old Valentines of my hubbys! Happy Monday! ♥

  22. I love them all and they make a wonderful mosaic. The valentine on my sidebar is one I found in a box my mother had saved and was for me when I was about 3 from my grandparents.

    I love all the holidays and I think they are even more fun because we share them in Blogland.


  23. Love your vintage postcards! My favorite is the cherubs with lots of red hearts!

    Hope Mr Dragon is enjoying the company of your visitors!

    Take care!

  24. I love old fashioned Valentine's. Sending love and light to your family in the days ahead. Very touching post on White Tara. May she watch over you.

    Carolina Mts

  25. Beautiful vintage Valentines in your moasics, Snap. Very nostalgic and sweet :)

  26. Very pretty Valentine's and beautiful mosaics. Happy Valentine's Day wishes to you! :)


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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