Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Day!

The city of Houston was expecting a snow day.
Instead, they got an ice day.

In the spirit of snow day, I found a postcard to share with you made by the
Detroit Publishing Company.

Snow Scene Digital ID: 74120. New York Public Library

The postcard reads:
"Every pine and fir and hemlock wore ermine too dear for an earl,
And the poorest twig on the elm-tree was ridged inch deep with pearl."

The Detroit Publishing Company was one of the largest American publishers of postcards and photographic views during the early decades of the 20th century. The images are a rich source of documentation for the study of North American landscape and cityscape, and include views of well-known streets, buildings, historic-monuments, natural scenery, industry, transportation and daily life.
Unfortunately, the location of this landscape is not on the postcard.

A big THANK YOU to Beth for being our hostess for Postcard Friendship Friday.

Wishing you well, a JOY filled weekend and a fun Snow Day!


  1. If you can't have an actual snow day, it's nice to have the spirit of a snow day - and that's what I read here. Enjoy!

  2. Phew! For a second I thought that was a picture from outside your window. Although I will take snow over ice any day and that's saying a lot! I hope you keep your power!

  3. Perfect poem for hoar frost! When Texas gets ice and snow, you know things are screwy!

  4. Last night I heard on our news that yesterday Texas was colder than Alaska! What's going on this winter?? I hope you stay warm and safe inside.

  5. a snowy landscape is always so seductive wherever it is in the world!
    i loved the mention of elms in the poem. we lost so many elm trees in europe in the twentieth century... i remember them felling a lovely elm at my primary school when i was a child and feeling so sad about it...

  6. Just popping in to say hello! I love the postcard~ But I am glad I don't live in the snow. Stay warm! I am looking forward to spring. How about you? ~ Theresa

  7. That's a beautiful snowy scene. I'm sorry you got ice instead of snow. I've been trying to keep up with what's happening with Texas weather. Whodathunkit?

  8. I love that snowy scene. Just wish I didn't have to look out my window and see it every day. Would appreciate it a lot more on a post card from a friend! Go figure!

  9. Beautiful postcard, Snap.. Sorry you all got the ICE and not the snow... darn!!!! I have two disappointed sons and their families who live in Houston/Galveston... Oh Well.

  10. That's a nice snow scene and quote. It could be almost anywhere it snows.

  11. Oh, this is so fitting...we got ice, too. Hope yours melts soon.

  12. Beautiful! We didn't have quite that much snow this morning!

  13. That is an all too familiar site in my yard now...sorry about the ice, that is just NO fun. xox Corrine

  14. Snow,pretty photo,
    Ice, not so nice.
    Hurray for postcard publishers who captured the world so we can see how it was.
    Happy PFF, and a thaw.

  15. Beautiful card! I rather like a snowstorm as long as the electricity stays on. Of course, I am old, live in a condo and don't have to be anyplace. I will be ready for spring when it gets here, though!

  16. No snow nor ice here, but a storm. Trains and busses don't drive. I would not mind some snow now. And I loved your card by the way.

  17. That is a beautiful picture and the sentiments are lovely too!

  18. It looks lovely from a distance but I wouldn't like to be experiencing what you have at the moment.

  19. Found you over at Debra...She who seeks. We have lots in common...looking forward to getting to know you.


  20. Snap,
    There's been too much of that 'white stuff' all around! I am so glad it has stayed away from NC, well, at least for the most part!
    Love the postcard but I'm glad the snow stayed on the card :)

  21. We all are still not "out of the woods", pretty much...:)

  22. Great card!

    It reminds me of a snowstorm we had when I was twelve. School was closed for a week, and we were without power for a bit longer than that.

    We lived on 23 acres, and my dad had to draw water from the well manually, and I got to carry five gallon buckets to the cattle. You have no idea how much water one cow can drink until you have to carry water to them.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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