Thursday, February 3, 2011

Good Morning!

Good Morning!

Image from Maxine Facebook Page!

I'm sure glad I joined Maxine and added an extra layer of fat.
Believe it or not, it's going to snow in Houston!

We've been having rolling power outages across Texas because of the cold.
Plays havoc with Mr. Dragon's oxygen generator and I'm doing a lot of running between the
generator and the tanks.
It's an adventure and all is well.

Just in case you missed it.....

it is the Chinese New Year.

Happy Year of the Rabbit ... a more peaceful and calm year.

Wishing all you well and a JOY filled day.
Stay warm!


  1. A peaceful and calm year full of love in your hearts!
    Adorable post dear Snap, thanks for sharing!
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA

  2. Boy did I need that laugh this morning after shoveling.
    Hope your power comes back, hope Mr. Dragon is doing well. xox Corrine

  3. Snow in Texas? I didn't think that was possible! Crazy weather.

  4. Hi Snap, I talked to my Galveston son yesterday --and it was colder there than it was here... He told me about the rolling blackouts and about the possible snow.... Goodness Gracious... It has been a winter to remember.

    Be careful if you have to go out.

  5. I'm all for a more peaceful and calm year (I hope that means weather too)
    Stay warm! Love Maxine, she's a hoot!

  6. I've been thinking about you. Hope you get full power back on soon.Brrr!

    My daughter was visiting her son at Brownsville on Monday, and called to tell me it was 80 degrees there and she was going to the beach. It's 28 degrees there today. WOW!

  7. The weather this winter seems to be crazier and crazier! I hope your power outages don't last too long.

    Love Maxine!!

  8. Snow in Houston? Horrors! I remember what it was like when it snowed while I was living in Dallas, then developed into an ice storm with everything coated with about half an inch of ice at least. While it was still just snow, one of my friends who had grown up in Miami called since I had grown up in the Pacific NW and asked, "Is this white stuff snow?" I confirmed and she said, "I've heard of it but never seen it!"

    The year of the rabbit is supposed to be more peaceful than tiger year was, but it isn't getting off to a great start with doings in Egypt.

  9. Snow in Houston - now I've heard it ALL. But of course you need power. You must be hopping like that rabbit! I have to say that I believe I already feel the calming effects of that rabbit (thank heavens).

  10. That's some storm if it's snowing in Houston!
    I have a soft spot for the Rabbit Years, as my daughter was born in one.
    I hope those outages stop soon and that you have a little peace and quiet.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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