Saturday, March 20, 2010

Camera Critters

Our lovely hostess for Camera Critters is Misty.

Be sure you go and visit the other critters!


Lovely young lady, isn't she?
All of these shots were taken at the February Photography Morning at the Houston Zoo.


She posed for a long time.
I think she thought we were all nuts!
But then, she is a thing of beauty.

 Tiger and Reflection

The reflection is one of our favorite shots.
A portrait of two ladies.

Happy Critter Day!


  1. how beautiful she middle son would love seeing this, he ahd ahd a fascination and love of tigers since he was a young boy, he's turning 30 this year!

  2. She is a beauty and seems to enjoy being the center of attention. Wouldn't it be nice to be so unselfconscious?!

  3. Cats are so elegant and so regal no matter what size they are.

    I'm on a little blog break but had to stop by and see you. So glad Mr Dragon is at home now. I'm sure that makes all the difference.

  4. Really beautiful and majestic. Thanks for sharing with us. Happy Spring! :)

  5. Wow she is gorgeous. I don't think your other kitties would welcome her though! Thanks for sharing. Hope Mr. Dragon is home, if not by now, soon.

  6. Thanks for stopping by, what a beautiful model. Have a great weekend:)

  7. This is a very majestic animal, and I love watching them! Great capture!

  8. What a beautiful specimen! Very nice photos, Snap. Hope things are going well for you. {hugs}

  9. beautiful captures.

    Take a peek at the critter on my page.

  10. An absolute beauty! We have to protect all these gorgeous animals that are threatened by poachers!

  11. Great captures. She is so lovely. Thanks for sharing

  12. Snap: I thought there was a glass in the other shots, but the two of you really gave it away.

  13. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!

    I was amazed at how the animals all seemed to post the last time we went to the zoo. I guess they're used to people pointing cameras at them, and they know they're gorgeous.

  14. indeed,very lovely...i have had my previous post of same animal and i think they were trained to pose and show some movements if people were taking pictures.actually being a PETA member im not that happy seing animals on cage unless they are treated well and good enough!thanks for your visit,come again anytime.


  15. Ahhh she is so beautiful ! And the tiger ain't too bad either ! ;)
    Happy Weekend, Snap !

  16. Hi Snap, I seem to be missing your posts. I think blogger doesn't like me. Love your beautiful tiger. I am very happy that Mr. Dragon is home. I didn't know he was in the hospital until now. I've gone all the way back to Feb.14th. I certainly would have written sooner. I hope all is going well and I hold you both in my prayers and thoughts. Sharon

  17. I have always thought tigers were such amazing creatures. I have always wanted to pet one but I don't think I am brave enough. She is Gorgeous! I have been to the Houston Zoo. It is so fun.

  18. Nice shots, especially the one of the two happy ladies.

  19. Thanks for the visit on my blog today!
    me too i like the last photo best. its more unexpected. :)

  20. Magnificent shots. He looks very calm and composed.

  21. Definitely a creature of beauty :) Great shots!

  22. gorgeous animal, great photos

  23. She is a beauty. I love how she has her big paws crossed.

    Thank you for visiting my blog. :)

  24. Hi Snap, These are fabulous tiger shots. I think she liked the attention!

  25. What a Pretty Kitty! "Meow"

    Since childhood I've held admiration and awe for big cats. This one's a beaut. Love that last shot with her paws crossed, like she's saying, "Of course you can take my picture, 'cuz I'm beautiful." :)



  26. A beautiful animal and photographs.

  27. On photography morning, do they pose the animals for you? Or do they reward them afterwards for posing so nicely? The shot looks too perfect. What a gorgeous animal.

  28. How did I miss these lovely photos. I've been wanting to paint a big cat, and have not gotten to the zoo. Wonderful.


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