Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mosaic Monday: It's All About The Kids!

It's college baseball time and it's all about the kids - young and old!

Most of these shots were taken at the Rice Baseball Alumni game in February.

Baseball Mosaic

You'll see the front of Reckling Park where the Owls play.

Cheerleaders, the Rice Mascot Sammy the Owl, Coach Wayne Graham

Current Rice players signing autographs and posters for kids of all ages.

Mr. and Mrs. Dragon with Sammy

Be sure to drop by The Little Red House and visit Mary our hostess for Mosaic Monday.


I wanted to thank all of you for your prayers, good thoughts, chants, juju that you've sent to us. Mr. Dragon is home and gets stronger each day. It's a long road but we are on our way.
Thanks again.


  1. What great shots! Maybe some future major leaguers there. Oh and I just LOVE your header! ~Jeanne

  2. Memories of a fun day in your mosaic, Hope your team won. :-)

  3. Great photos in your mosaic! The kitty in your header looks just like my Kelly (cat). Thanks for the comment on my mosaic.

  4. So happy he is home with your good soups to bring back his strength!

  5. Hi, Love your Mosaic! I hope that you have a wonderful rest of your day. Happy Spring!

  6. glad to hear the 'Mr' is home and feeling better. love your new header!

  7. Ha! Love that Owl mascot!! Happy M.M. to you... enjoy the season...

  8. Wonderful captures and mosaic.

  9. What fun pictures in your mosaic. so nice.

  10. Spring and baseball go together, that's for sure!


  11. My alma mater is heading to the Sweet 16 in basketball -- go Dawgs!

  12. This is a fun mosaic. I like the way you can see so much of what's happening in the thirteen squares.

  13. Isn't he a cute owl mascot! I am cheering for your team! Hephep!

    I hope for the speedy recovery of Mr. Dragon!. Take care!


  14. What a great mosaic! Springtime & Mom & apple pie. :)

    Happy to hear your hubby is doing better.

  15. Thanks so much for visiting my wonky photo paperdolls! Your mosaic looks a very fun day! Have a fun week...

  16. Hey Thanks for visiting my sight, I am new to the blow world and it is great to see what everyone is bloging about. and looking forward to see what else you have in store. Keep up the great work! :)

  17. Thank youor so much for visiting on my blog.
    I'm very happy if somebody like my photos.

    Have a nice springtime!


  18. Oh, I am so glad that Mr. Dragon is home and on the mend. I love your mosaic, it looks like everyone is having a blast.


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