Friday, May 15, 2009


It's Friday so it must be Potpourri Time!
I'll start out with the latest journal page.
I call it prayer.
In many ways, very simple - no writing by me.

I finished Beautiful Ghosts by Eliot Pattison. This is the fourth novel in the series featuring disgraced Chinese Inspector Shan Tao Yun. I suppose mystery reviewers would call this a suspense thriller. Shan was sent to a work camp in Tibet for taking on corruption of his superiors - a very dangerous thing to do. Shan is released from the camp, but without papers of any kind, no status, official identity or the freedom to return to China. He lives with Tibetan lamas where he has learned about Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism. In Beautiful Ghosts, a murder in a ruined monastery in Tibet and an art theft in Beijing are linked. The same officials who exiled Shan are asking for his help.

I love these books. Pattison brings alive the Tibetan people, their old way of life, their life under the Chinese, their hopes. It is heart breaking and hopeful at the same time. I had been saving Beautiful Ghosts to read. I don't want the series to end. I have one more tucked away.

Wormwood: A China Bayles Mystery by Susan Wittig Albert is the latest in this long running cozy mystery series. China is an ex-lawyer and an herbalist. In Wormwood, China has decided to assist her friend, Martha, with some herbal workshops in a historic Shaker village in Kentucky. It seems like a Garden of Eden, but is far from it. The restored modern version of the village is plagued with misfortune and strife - some of it sabotage. Martha, a member of the board and a relative of a Shaker who left the fold long ago, is hoping China can get to the bottom of it.

I do enjoy the China Bayles mysteries. I love the herbal lore. I'm always learning something new. In Wormwood, Albert has added lots of Shaker history. More things to learn! And, as in all good cozy mysteries, there are some delicious sounding recipes at the end. Also, at the end, lists of herbs for Shaker Gardens: A Medicinal Garden, Tea Garden and Culinary Garden.

The grand opening of the Arts of India Gallery is tonight.
And I have to leave you with a little something I found on another blog.
(Did I make a note of where I found it? If I did, I can't find it! I apologize!)

Joy to You!


  1. Love love love the journal page!! And it took me a moment to realize what I was looking at in the bottome picture!! I'm kinda slow sometimes! But then I let out a "whoop" and had a good laugh!!

  2. Oh, do you think the lady in yellow did it on purpose? That's too funny, thanks for the smile.

  3. I always enjoy a good book's hard to know good ones these days. Now the lady in yellow...if we only had rear view mirrors!! Have a great weekend!!

  4. Snap -- I love your sense of humor!!! :D

    I've been looking for good mysteries with interesting backdrops! Great leads!

  5. Those tigers are gorgeous! Oh, I'd love to see that India exhibit. The hub just got back from there. Love the last shot! tehe.

  6. I love to read but haven't picked up a book in a while. I think blogging is taking up too much of my time. :-) I had to laugh at that last shot. I wonder if she did that on purpose. I don't understandy why women wear such sheer things without a slip. Why wear a dress at all!?


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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