Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dick's Art

Mr. Dragon is really the artist in the household.
He waited until he was retired to take lessons.
He's had a few classes at Glassell (the art school attached to the museum).
Finally, got around to taking photos of the work he did in class last semester.
Included are the first *color* drawings he has done -
pastel and color pencils.
Starting off with one of my favorites above.

Musashi's Garden

I love this one.
I loved the pen and ink before the color was added!

Let's talk about negative space.

He's taking two workshops this summer:
pen and ink
color pencils.


  1. Oh very cool stuff - I especially like the leaf!! Thank you for sharing his work!!!

  2. He definitely has a style, doesn't he. I can see why you two are so good together - a love of art and creating art. Thanks for sharing with us.

  3. I tryed to pick one favorite. I find them all very interesting.I do like the one looking down on the desk and chair. You two must have a lot of fun. Sharon

  4. I like his style. The first one is probably my favorite, too but then I also like the last three....the ones with very geometric shapes.

    Two artists in the family! That must be a fun house to live in.

  5. Wow! The POV looking down into the room is Great and I love the last one. Pretty damn good! Love his style.


  6. Go, Mr. Dragon! Very interesting art. My younger sister, who has always had an interest, but no time, started taking art lessons after she retired. It has been a wonderful outlet for her and, I have to admit, she's getting pretty good at it! Watercolor is her current medium of choice.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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