Monday, May 11, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today
May 11, 2009
Outside my window ... the sun is shining brightly. Looks like another hot day!

I am thinking ... how happy I will be when the city finishes putting in the new water lines. They are back today laying sod and, it looks like, pouring concrete to replace the sidewalks they dug up.

I am thankful for ... another beautiful day on Mother Earth.

From the Kitchen ... I have a turkey loin defrosting. Haven’t decided on the sides yet.

I am wearing ... gray shorts, a lilac National Zoo T-shirt with small panda, no shoes.

I am reading ... WORMWOOD by Susan Wittig Albert - cozy mystery with Shaker history thrown in.

I am hoping ... to get dental appointments made, arrangements for the AC guys to come and check the units. It’s a little late -- already too hot!

I am creating ... a counted cross-stitch and working on a small canvas give-a-way

I am praying ... for Anne Marie

Around the house ... it is very quiet inside this morning! I need to water the garden. It is so hot at night, I’m sure the tomato crop won’t be very large this year. They don’t like hot evenings (don’t blame them, neither do I).

One of my favorite things ... reading with the kitties curled up close by.

A few plans for the rest of the week ... hair cut, baseball dinner tonight, new Asia gallery opening

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you ...

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visit The Simple Woman's Daybook.


  1. LOVE that picture thought! :)
    I'm with you, not looking forward to the hot evenings. I

  2. Loved the pic! So glad I stopped by,you just reminded me that I need to start defrosting the turkey! It's hot here too-5 minutes outside and you are TOAST:)

  3. Love your photo thought, made me laugh!

  4. *sigh* you already have hot days!! We actually had a couple of days with real spring - almost summer weather, but today was pretty cold and windy again. I live on an island so it's windy a lot. Part of me longs so much for real summer to finally begin, part of me wants the colder days because I have such nice new stuff to wear :D :D :D

    Thank you for your lovely comment, wow, goodnight

  5. Love your list but that last picture made me think of things I shouldn't be thinking about!!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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