Saturday, May 16, 2009

Camera Critters 58

Camera Critters

It's back to the Houston Zoo to meet Pandu
the Malayan Tiger.

Pandu has a new friend, Hana the Malayan tiger and you can meet her in the You Tube video below.

Hana is 9 years old and comes to Houston from the Fresno Chaffee Zoo in California. Hana came here so one of our male Malayan tigers, Jammu could go to the Alexandria Zoo in Louisiana. Jammus move to Alexandria was recommended by the Tiger Species Survival Plan (SSP). There are few Malayan tigers in US zoos and the SSP identified Jammu as the perfect mate for the Alexandria Zoos female Malayan tiger.

Hana's birthday is February 28. Weighs 87 kilograms or 191 pounds. Hanas keepers describe her as a very calm cat. Shes already settling into a daily routine, alternating time in the tiger exhibit with Pandu. Pandu and Hana are closely related and therefore are not recommended for breeding.


  1. "Here, Kitty, kitty, kitty!" Nice kitty, BIG kitty!

    Tigers are spectacular beasts, aren't they? We have The Carnivore Preservation Trust about 30 minutes from us. The staff photographer is a friend of my husband's office and organized a private tour for the office and spouses. It was a wonderful experience. It's a place where rescued cats go to live out their lives, stress-free, with loads of room to roam, while remaining enclosed.

    Thanks for the video...


  2. beautiful pictures, I wish we had a zoo close to us :(

  3. Beautiful shots!

  4. Poor guy...looks like he has a sore nose. Beautiful animal! I'm so proud we're related:)

  5. They are so beautiful!!!
    A couple of hours from where I live there's a zoo where a tiger attacked one of the staff members last winter, pretty out of the blue, and he was all alone. Well, with the tiger. Vividly described in the local paper - he managed to take out his phone and call his wife when the tiger was chewing on his leg. He survived but got HUGE scars of course...

    Thank you for your comment, you warm my heart!

  6. I thing tigers are probably my favorite. They're so regal and beautiful. Great shots of this big cat! :-)

  7. Funny, I just went to the Miami Zoo & caught a beautiful tiger grooming himself. Great shots!

  8. Great shots! Very beautiful animal. Hey Hana has the same birthday as my daughter Feb. 28th and my daughter is 9 too! That is cool!

    Thanks for sharing.

  9. wow amazing post!
    Mommy said this beautiful "tiger"is my distant cousin! I can't believe !
    Many thanks for so kind visit in my blog!
    Purrs from Brazil
    ( and mommy Léia )

  10. What a beautiful big cat :) Thanks so much for stopping by :)

  11. Beautiful creatures. Great shots and a great video too.

  12. Hana is a beautiful cat! Thanks for visiting us.

  13. Snap: What great poses from the big cat, they are wonderful in the wild.

  14. Great pictures. Tigers are beautiful, magnificent animals.

  15. Tigers are such beautiful animals, loved watching the video

  16. Looks majestic. The national animal of India. :)

  17. What a beauty! We have tigers in my city zoo, they have a royal posture don't they? Particularly I go to the zoo to check the elephants, the giraffes and the hippos (when they feel like showing off) - I'd would like to own one of each - my childish dream!!! I'm in love with elephants primarily, they make my eyes shine. The other day I saw this one having a shower in a gas station. He was in town with a circus. I almost had a stroke! So cuteeee! Sorry for bothering. I'm generally that long. :) Thanks for sharing. Take care and keep smiling. :*

  18. That tiger is absolutely beautiful! Thank you for the introduction!

    Thanks for the sweet comment you just left on my blog! :)
    I agree whole-heartedly with you that just because you don't possess a certain skill doesn't mean you can't appreciate it! Thanks for telling the gal at the store about my blog! I hope she does stop for a visit! I'm also glad that you know what tatting is! Hee hee! ;)

  19. Gosh he is beautiful! They always look so regal and wise.

  20. Magnificent 'critters' ... quite majestic ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,

  21. Pandu is SO handsome and regal! What amazing photos. He's looking right at you. I love his eyes! Thanks for sharing.

  22. Beautiful photo of a big, gorgeous kitty !!

    Love those eyes..

  23. I bet that a swat from the tongue would not be so bad. The paw though... not so fun.

  24. That first picture cracks me up! I swear I've seen that look coming from my second-born! ~Auntie Q

  25. Beautiful Tiger!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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