Sunday, May 17, 2009

I'm Taking Another Class ....

I'm taking another online class.
This time with Pam Carriker called Visual Journalism 101.
I'm really enjoying the process.
Here are scans of the first page -- Lesson 1.

Remember, I'm working in a lined composition book --
a little different than water color paper.
I'm going to start another page today with different colors.
Stay tuned!

Head over and see the other classes that are being offered.
Several new classes have been added.
Creative Workshops


  1. Oooo, this looks awesome. What a luminous background ! Enjoy and thanks for the link !

  2. I love this start. I am definitely headed to over there. thanks for the link. Luminous is a perfect word Kim.
    i can't wait to see more Snap! :)

  3. How fun! I need to do one of these on-line courses! We don't such classes here. Can't wait to see!!

  4. Hi Snap,
    Thanks for the lovely comment, I like what you're doing in the journal workshop...esp. the lovely script writing is it yours?....will look and see the finished pages when you have them...xx

  5. This is a lovely start. I tool her class in January, unfortunately I was trying to do too much at the same time and I didn't see the videos as often as I would have liked. I'm thinking of taking her "Shades of Grey" - even bought the materials, just waiting to sign on when I know I will have a little more regular time to dedicate to it.

  6. I considered that class but then I went with Julie's....and now I've also signed up for another one. I must be nuts!

    Your pages look so soft and dreamy.

  7. Loving these journal pages. Looks like a fun workshop!!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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