Friday, May 8, 2009


It's Friday! Hope your week was busy, educational and fun!
Here's my journal page for the day.
Ms. Purrrrfect and Friend.
The question is:
Who is Ms Purrrrfect and who is the friend?!!

I love the words: curiosity is necessary to human nature, and especially
to you...
Also the words power and secret.
Wonder what message I was sending myself?
Whatever it is, I like it!
The kitty on the page is our Teddy and the lady can be seen at the
Seattle Museum of Art.

My gifts to Maria-Therese finally made their way out of customs.
The scarf arrived and you can see how it looks on the beautiful Maria-Therese
by visiting her here. Also, you can see the surprise that I included!

While I was reading blogs yesterday, catching up on visiting my
blogging buddies, I noticed that almost all of them had gone shopping.
Well, not to be outdone, I went to Michaels and bought some
more embroidery thread. You'd think by the looks of the picture above
that I had enough thread. NOPE. I needed three different shades of purple,
brown and yellow. I thought the thread made another nice shot
of color!

For those you who enjoy decorating blogs, antiques ...
Eddie Ross is having a give-away of berry spoons.
Click here if you are interested.
I love berries and I signed up!

One more thing: I mentioned the blog camp on the Blog of the Week post.
Here's a link to a separate blog devoted to Blog Camp!

Just a note about Blogoversaries: mine is in 27 days.
My birthday is several days before the anniversary.
I thought about 10 days before *B* day, I'd announce a give-a-way.
There will be three prizes: one for the 100th post (long ago),
one for the anniversary,
and one for my birthday.
Stay tuned!

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. That journal page is fabulous! I don't know where I would be if I didn't have any curiosity...isn't that how we all learn? Happy early Blogoversary!!

  2. I think you are Mzzz purrfect!

    Wow, that embroidery thread... I kind of want to eat it! :D

  3. So glad to see that you did not let yourself be "outdone" in the shopping department! Now, get stitchin'! LOL! Have fun! Your scarf is lovely. I'm off to visit the link of the recipient! :)

  4. I'm in love with your journal page! And that scarf is so pretty. It looks so soft and feminine.

    I was one of those shoppers! It must be contagious. I have a weakness for embroidery thread and your picture makes me drool. All those luscious colors!! Maybe I'll have to drag out my threads now.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
We are all so busy these days. It means a lot that you dropped in to visit and left a comment. I hope you come back to visit soon.