Thursday, May 7, 2009

Colors, Patterns, Shapes

Color! For some reason, lately, I've been looking for color. Now, my house is not drab. I have an orange kitchen -- dreamsicle orange a neighbor calls it. I was putting my art books away and picked up one of my favorite books on Korea. I gave a tour last month and am just getting around to putting books away from refreshing my memory (needs a lot of refreshing). Doing any tour in the Arts of Korea Gallery reminds me of the night the gallery officially opened.

Opening Night
Just look at the color.
The beautiful ladies in their traditional dress (hangul).

So, before I put the book (above) away -
I want to share some photos from Korean Patterns with you.

This is a coffee table book.
Korean Patterns is a look at traditional patterns and their use
in clothing, food and shelter.
All the photographs were taken by Jae-sik Suh.
Color, Pattern and Shape!


  1. Well Snap, I think I just got my color fix for the day. Their colors are beautiful. When I was in Hong Kong (many moons ago) I went to all the lovely fabric shops and just drooled. Such fibrant colors. owwww.... Sharon

  2. How beautiful ! I was just commenting to my mom today that I need tomake some changes around here. I am such a colorful person, and I love turquoise and red and orange and purples and lime green and I have some how ended up in a house that has way too much brown, earthy sand colors and did I say BROWN !(Only my studio is bright yellow and white and green). My hubby is earthy and brown and those colors are easy to find and easy to act as neutrals for the brights I like. But I have forgotten to bring them into focus ! Time for me to have at least part of my house reflect the colorful artist and woman that I am !
    Thanks for the color fix, Snap ! Just lovely !

  3. oooh, these colours make my eyes happy!

    Thank you so much for the wonderful gifts!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Lovely colours and pattern and flower and it's soft and warm and not itchy... and the baby dove! *hugs and kisses*

    :-D :-D

    blogged: ♥

  4. Color makes me happy too. I rent and wish I could paint these drab white walls a nice bright color. Thank you for sharing such gorgeous pictures.

  5. Popping over from Maria-Therese's blog to say hello. Such beautiful colors and patterns! I can almost feel the wonderful textures with my eyes!

  6. Those reds are stunning. And yet so peaceful - strange combination to describe them. How wonderful you get to spend your time amongst these things. I can see where some of your inspiration comes from. You live in such a fascinating and cultural place, I am definitely going to visit one day.

  7. Gorgeous colors! Those ladies in their long dresses look so vibrant. You can't help but smile when you look at them. How could anyone be unhappy with so much color! That must be a beautiful book to look through.

  8. What a festival of invigorating color! Thank you for sharing it :)


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