Saturday, May 9, 2009

Camera Critters 57

Camera Critters

Today I'm taking you to our back yard to visit with some
of our feathered friends.

I took this picture of a baby dove just after a Mom feeding.

This is the baby! Growing up fast.

Robin wondering if I'll continue to take pictures while he takes a bath.

There's just no privacy in Musashi's Garden.

I worked really hard to get the water drops in the air.
So did the Blue Jay!

No. He wasn't saying to me
"Give me a break".
He was telling a dove it was their turn in the bath,
not the doves!

Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Teenage dove!!!! :-D

    It's always interesting to see bird photos on blogs in other countries because we have such different birds... I thought they, um, migrated? We don't have blue jays or robins - and there was this whole article in the local newspaper about a sort of cardinal from America in this area, they hadn't seen one since 1983.

  2. Those are really great shots !!!

    I would love to put in a bird bath, but we have way too many feral cats around here. I had one back in NZ and I loved watching the birds play and bathe in the water..

  3. I loved this series! It is so entertaining to watch the birds take a bath. Love the fluffy air-dried look afterwards, too. :)

  4. Poor birdies. I hope those bathing pictures don't end up on the web. :P

  5. Great series of photos; I esp. like the photos of the small ones!!

  6. Amusing and great shots! Looks as if the birds in your back yard have a great and happy life!

  7. These a=re beautiful shots of the birds. love Dove and Robin.
    My entry:

  8. Wonderful series!
    Awesome post, thank you!

  9. You probably don't want to be showing me these cute little birdies!!...yummy:)

  10. Birdbaths offer such a good backdrop for photo ops. I love the ruffled feathers on those critters.

  11. I love watching these guys splashing. Nice job on the droplets. They look so odd when their feathers are wet - makes me want to pick them up and towel them down.

  12. Hello friend!
    Wonderful serie of pictures!
    The last one is amazing!
    Many thanks for your kind visit and comments in Luna's blog!
    Your blog is very cool!
    Purrs from Brazil
    Luna and mommy Léia

  13. Great pics! I'd love to have a bird bath, but I'd have six cats plastered to the nearest window if I did!

  14. Love your bird shots, no pun intended! Blue jays are such pretty things!

  15. I love to see the birds at the feeders and the birdbaths. I missed a shot of three boat-tailed black birds all sitting on the edge of the bath... they all three took a drink, one at a time and then puffed up their feathers in a display mode, again.. one at a time. It reminded me of The Three Tenors.... very nice.
    Thanks for stopping by.

  16. Coool to catch them in action!

  17. Great bird photos. I love the first one. That little baby is so cute. TFS.

  18. Great action shots of the birds. How fun when you see so much action in your own back yard.

  19. Lovely shots of birds that are entirely new to me! Loved the robin in the bath one and the blue jays.

  20. Nice and interesting camera critters post. I love your birds photo, they are beautiful..

  21. Beautiful small birds, thanks for sharing.


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