Friday, April 17, 2009


It's Friday so it must be Potpourri time! I'm going to start with the latest, finished, journal page I call TO DO. Everyday, I should do the following: Dance, light a candle, hum or sing a tune, have a cup of tea, listen to the birds, smell a flower and give someone a hug. Good thing Mr. Dragon likes hugs! Dancing came from a Tut note from the universe -- that I was to add *do a little dance* to my To Do list. There you go ... TO DO EVERY DAY!

Here's the TO DO page with its buddy, TAKE 5.

Pay attention. Listen. Take a few minutes for myself every day.

Things are moving at a little slower pace around here.
I finished one of my year long projects this last Thursday.
I decided it was time I sat down and started thinking about Pay It Forward.
Just what will I make for these two lovely ladies?
I asked Berry Chocolate Pie for her help.
She was more than willing!

Miss Pie and I looked in my yarn stash.
She loved this Homespun yarn by Lion Brand.
It's so cuddly and the color was certainly hers!

She helped me look through this pattern book for ideas.
We both are in a spring time mood.

Perhaps a scarf with flowers.
But which one?

This one?

Maybe this one?

Or a combination?

I ran across this pattern from Knit Picks while searching.
Three scarf patterns all knitted at once!

Oh, my. This looks like it is almost finished!

Miss Pie and I came up with some good ideas and some surprises
for Pay It Forward. I'm going to have some fun and
I think the ladies will have some fun, too.

Happy Friday Everyone!

Do a little DANCE!


  1. I just LOVE the journal page!!! I love the colors and the image and the message....just everything about it!

    Looks as if your PIF gals will be getting a gorgeous gift. Any one of those scarves would be great.

  2. Such fun crochet patterns ! Lucky friends !

    Enjoy your dancing, etc...

  3. I'm doing a little dance right now because I'm headed into my studio for the next two hours! I think I like the last scarf you posted the best - love the bud-tassels. But then, I'm not one of your recipients, alas!

  4. oh wow wow wow wow! You can do that stuff? People can make those? You can't send me anything that fancy beautiful!!! I just sent you something cute :)

  5. Ooooh I like the first one!!! Very pretty - looks hard though!!
    Here is a little secret....
    shhhhhh - next week I'm doing a giveaway with no strings attached...shhhhhhh... hugs, Sarah

  6. Love your journal pages, Snap! Good advice, too.

  7. That book of patterns looks like fun. Love the journal page too!

  8. Oh! I love the scarves! It would be hard to pick! My favorite was the first one until I saw the third one! I await your scarf eagerly :)


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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