Saturday, April 18, 2009

Camera Critters 54

Camera Critters

Last week I shared one of my Little Cats.

This week I'd like to share with you one of my favorite Big Cats.

This is Jonathan and he is magnificent.

He has a story. He was raised as a pet and then got too big.
(Well, DUH!)
He was lucky. The Houston Zoo had room for him and now he lives here.

The lions have a wonderful area to roam.
This is their door. Really cool.
The gate lowers (where the keeper is standing).
From here the keepers can *play* with the lions.
They go through different commands.
This one makes Jon stand on his hind legs
and allows the keepers to check his belly area.
Jon was declawed by his former owner.
Occasionally Callista will swipe Jon a good one!

Jonathan, the King!

We took this picture last week.
For those who have cats, this pose will look familiar!
Life is good!

Thanks for stopping by.
Have a great weekend.


  1. Marvellous facial close up of the big beast.

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog. What a magnificant lion. What are people thinking when they get such things as pets? Duh! is right. We have cats, dogs, and guinea pigs. Our one male cat, Kovu, is the KING (although the youngest cat) and he can be found quite frequently in the exact same pose as Jonathan!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. What a magnificent animal! I love cats, big ones and the small cats. Thanks for sharing and also for your visit!

  4. The most majestic of the Cat family!
    Delightfully wonderful shots.

  5. Yes, the last pose looks very familiar to me. We see that (in a smaller version) very often around here :)
    It was very nice of the zoo to give him a home. He couldn't have been put into the wild without claws. Great story and beautiful photos!

  6. Hi Johnathan...yes, that pose does look familiar:)

  7. Beautiful animal but I am so glad he is in that cage!

  8. Johnathan looks like a charmer. I haven't seen a lion in ages Sandy

  9. What a handsome fella ! :-)

    I really like the closeups..

  10. The big guys really do resemble the little guys. Or maybe it's the other way around. Jon is lucky to have found that home. What are people thinking when the decide to get a "pet" like that?! Here I go again, but there ought to be laws...and I guess there are. Poor thing to have been de-clawed. I wonder what vet agreed to do that. That's it for my pontificating for tonight.

  11. yes I recognize that pose!
    he is magnificent

  12. what a nice expression in the first pic!

  13. nice capture of that huge animal, his handsome and looks very friendly. Thanks for the visit.

  14. That 's one big cat...but I do love lions...being a Leo..I just seem to be drawn to them...I love the playful one of him on his back....very nice...kind of fools you though that they could be more approachable than they really are...

  15. Jonathon is quite a magnificent animal!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  16. I can't imagine what makes people think they can have these big cats as pets. It's evident that he likes his new home at the zoo.

  17. Jonathon looks like he's full of character!

  18. hes gorgeous. its a shame you cant have them as pets.

  19. I am so glad he has a home that he loves.Thanks for the story and photos. Sharon

  20. what a handsome fellow! this story reminds me of christian the lion from the 70s. you may have seen the heartwarming video that made the rounds on the internet last year.

  21. What a gorgeous animal (and a happy ending).

  22. Oh he's fantastic! I'm so glad that the zoo was able to take him after he got too big... what were those people thinking?

  23. wonderful entry today. great series of him. i love the last post you were able to capture the close up one.


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