Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Musashi's Garden

We have a busy day today, but I promised to post more of "what's blooming" in Musashi's Garden. I walked out into the garden yesterday and was almost overwhelmed by scent. The gardenia's are blooming (no photos yet) and the freesia are still going strong. Here are a few more photos of "what's blooming". I hope you enjoy them.

Pink Geranium on the Balcony

Red Hibiscus by the Front Door

King Alfred Daffodils

Mr. Dragon's Bouganvilla

Have a beautiful and inspiring day!


  1. I love the daffodils for I rarely get to see those in an actual garden.
    All of them are just beautiful however.

  2. Wow! What beautiful colors! I love the hibiscus and the bouganvilla. Your yard must be spectacular....and how nice to have such nice scents to welcome you.

  3. I think hibiscus are my favorite. Whenever I go south that is one thing I look forward to seeing - they are so abundant there. What an amazing time of year!

  4. What a beautiful garden. I love Bouganvilla, when I lived in Hong Kong we used to be able to have them on our balcony. They were huge, and they loved the humidity there. Musashi's garden is gorgeous.

  5. ah, the beauty of flowers!
    Each one more wonderful than the next.
    My hydrangea managed to survive our chilly temps and is just loaded with buds. Can't wait till they pop open!

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Gosh, Snap! Your flower photos are WONderful!!

  7. I'm loving all those colors!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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