Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Special Goodie!

I have a special date coming up -- my birthday and my blogoversary. Not the same day, but close enough to celebrate them at the same time. I've been collecting my birthday presents ... or I suggest loudly to Mr. Dragon that something would be good for this year. !!!

I've always wanted one of Vanessa's little elfin people. Let me tell you, if you don't hit her Etsy shop just as she posts them, they are gone in a flash. All the little elves were gone, but I saw something that I loved just as much and I knew if I went away and thought about it, she'd be gone. So I clicked and ordered and look what has arrived!

All packaged up and tied with a lovely pink ribbon.
I've never seen so much tape and the care of wrapping.

Here she is! My own Berry Chocolate Pie!
Isn't she divine?!!!
Thank you, Vanessa, for sharing your talent with us every day!
Be sure you visit Vanessa at A Fanciful Twist.

(Hmmmmm, Twist ... Fanciful Twist and Twisty Lane ... meant to be?!)

PS. I still want a little elfin critter ... perhaps with a tea pot?

Stay tuned. There will be more photos of Berry Chocolate Pie and
her adventures here at Twisty Lane.


  1. Be still my heart. I'd say it is all meant to be for sure!! Twists a plenty ;)

    Oh, thank you for giving her a home. She is missed but we are all overjoyed she is on a wonderful twisty lane adventure.

    I guess, it is no secret anymore, you know, my addiction to tape and bubble wrap ;)

    Happy DAY!! xoxo, Vanessa

  2. That is gorgeous! Thanks for linking to her Etsy store. I hope your birthday and blogiversary are bery happy!

  3. Vanessa creates the most amazing art! And how nice that you have a piece of it now. Happy Birthday and Happy Blogoversary to you whatever day they are.

  4. Oh lucky you - she's darling.
    Just wanted to say thank you for your post on my blog hon. I felt the hug from there - made me cry - thank you!!!!I guess I needed one!! You gave me hope and strength! Am working on taking care of me! Huge hugs and thanks!
    Namaste, Sarah

  5. Oh, you chose the perfect one of Vanessa's Elfin. Happy Birthday and Happy Blogaversary. I think that Vanessa spins so much magic for us all. I love her creations, lucky girl to have one all for you.


    P.S. I love your blog.

  6. How fun! Love her! Lucky lucky you.

  7. Always fun to get a treat. Looking forward to Berry Chocolate Pie's adventures through your blog.

  8. She is gorgeous! I am glad you clicked and bought and shared her with us!

    Happy upcoming Birthday and Blogoversary!

    May all your dreams come true :)

  9. What a wonderful creation. Such a beautiful gift. Hopefully you will receive many more great surprises for your birthday/blogoversary!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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