Monday, February 9, 2009

Moon Over Reckling Park

The other title for this post could be: It's Time For Baseball!

This is a picture we took of the moon as we left baseball practice on Saturday. Yes, it's that time again. Time for college baseball. The Owls and all the other college teams started practice on February 1.

The Rice Owls play at Reckling Park.
The scoreboard was *new* last year.

The banner is up.

Bunting Practice

Batting practice.

Cool background for a baseball field, don't you think?
That's the Texas Medical Center
in the background. We may be the only team in college baseball that has to call
a 20 minute glare delay! The sun comes off the Hilton Hotel late in the season -
just enough of a glare to blind
the batters.

What do we think of the team so far (you baseball fans are wondering)? We will have the fastest outfield in college baseball and they all have guns for arms. We may have one of the best defensive teams we've ever had -- we hope. We've always had great defensive catchers and this year he is a work in progress. We can say he has a gun for an arm and every throw he's made to second has been right on the money. Lots of talent on this team. A couple of valedictorians included. And, they seem to like each other. They are very young. Lot's of freshmen and sophomores. We'll sit back and watch and enjoy. They will be exciting.


  1. I do love the shot of the moon. It is so photogenic right now, don't you agree? It made me so happy to see some green patches of grass, you would not believe it!

  2. Don't know much about baseball, but I do hope this season shall be a winning one for you. The pic of the moon is gorgeous. I have given you an award for your art. You can pick it up here:


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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