Monday, February 9, 2009

Art Award and 100th Post!

My goodness! Lissa gave me an award for my art! I am delighted and I accept!
Thank you, Lissa!

I have to list 7 things I love.
Where do I begin?
  1. I'll start with Mr. Dragon. He is my soul mate, my friend and my love.
  2. I love my furbabies.
  3. I love nature, my garden.
  4. Books! Reading.
  5. College Baseball!
  6. Music
  7. Listening to the Universe. (I thought I better get a plug in for the big U.)
I'm supposed to pass this award on, but I am going to delay that for awhile.
I would probably pass it on to my friends who received the Marie Antoinette Award
so consider yourselves tagged again!

This is my 91st post! Number 100 is just around the corner and I'd like to do something special. I am going to have a giveaway and it will have to do with wildlife and conservation - a subject that is near and dear to my heart. You will have to leave a comment on my 100th post and will be asked to post and link to the project I'm going to talk about. Is your curiosity radar going? Good! Be watching!


  1. Congrats on your 91rst post! Love your list (okay I'm not big on baseball, but I dig hunky guys in uniforms ,that food they sell at the snack bar and of course I'm your fan:)

  2. Congratulations on the art award! I like your list of 7 things you love. I would agree with most of them....except for #1, of course! I'm sure Mr. Dragon is great but he's yours! And I'm not much for baseball, but I love all your other answers.

  3. congrats on your 91st post and the art award!
    i call my dogs fur babies too!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
We are all so busy these days. It means a lot that you dropped in to visit and left a comment. I hope you come back to visit soon.