Sunday, February 8, 2009

Journal Friday on Sunday!

Here's the journal page that I normally would have posted on Friday. One of my sticky fingers took Mr. Robin's head off and I had to repair him. Now that he has his head again, here's the page. All of these birds have visited our backyard -- some only once -- some everyday. This page is a continuation of the My Favorite Things list which I'm still adding to - the latest being Micky Mouse as the Sorcerer's Apprentice. I wanted to remember nature ... remember the visitors to our backyard that have given us so much pleasure and true joy with their beauty, their antics, and their *friendship* (birdship?).

I didn't post on Friday about The Next Chapter and The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women. As I read the last chapter, I kept thinking about the Metta Prayer that goes something like this:

May all beings be peaceful.
May all beings be happy.
May all beings be safe.
May all beings awaken to the
light of their true nature.
May all beings be free.

It all starts with us, doesn't it. Making time for ourselves. Knowing ourselves. I start with myself when I say the Metta Prayer. May I be peaceful. May I be happy. May I be safe. May I awaken to the light of my true nature. May I be free. Then I go on to my loved ones and then to all people.

May you all be peaceful, happy and safe this beautiful day.


  1. A lovely post, Snap. So nice to have bird friends at your feeders. I do so miss ours. A few days ago I was out with the dogs and heard them chirping in the trees so I ran in and added more feed to my feeder but they haven't bitten yet. It might have been the presence of the dogs that scared them off. Peace to you this day too.

  2. What a great post to read on an unusually warm day in New England. It was 50 and sunny here today. It felt like a gift to be outside breathing fresh warmish air with the sun on my face.

    A peaceful day to you too, Snap.

  3. Hi Snap,
    Thanks for the concern, I am safe here in Melbourne, but have friends in the fire areas, so am concerned for some of them still...
    I am on the list of disaster counsellors that will be going out to help, so dont know where I will end up today...

  4. Thank you for sharing this Metta prayer. I am on a journey toward peace & joy. For myself & others. I shall add this to my mantras. May you also be peaceful, happy & safe this beautiful day:)

  5. great page! I love watching the birds that visit our yard too.

  6. Beautiful words!

    Who or what are the Metta's by the way?

    Kathy C.

  7. That's beautiful, your journal and the poetry. Don't you wish everyone would share the love? I love one of the heads on the birds missing! That is a precious memory for one day. xo

  8. beautifully said . . . sweet prayer and may we all find a way back to our inner magic . . .


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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