Thursday, June 21, 2018

The Crickets Are Singing

It is not summer until the crickets sing.
~ Proverb

Summer Solstice is today.

It is the day when the light shines the longest.
The Crickets are singing so it must be summer!

It's also time for iced tea.

Mango Tea

This was in the June Texas Market subscription box.
Mango Black is from a company I wasn't familiar with.
A little research and I found out that Hello!
 is from a subscription tea box company
called My Story Tea.
(Just what I need -- another subscription box!)
I'm really enjoying the Mango Black tea iced.
There are four 1 quart pouches in the pack.
It arrived just in time for June - the official iced tea month.


It's raining and will probably rain for several days.
While it isn't a tropical storm, after Hurricane Harvey last year,
everyone is a bit nervous to have it rain and rain and rain.

Mina is keeping me company.
She is making biscuits and chewing on her favorite blanket. 

I think she is completely bored with the rain!



Wishing YOU well and much joy.

Little Things Thursday

Share Your Cup Thursday

Mosaic Monday

Keep In Touch


  1. Summer solstice blessings to you! Mina is such a beautiful cat!

  2. Loved seeing your cat pictures. Yes, summer is finally here! My favorite. I love the hot, humid, cricket-singing weather.

  3. Thanks for the recommendation on the tea.
    And thanks for the photos of your sweet Mina. No, she is not impressed.
    Stay dry.

  4. Happy Solstice! Iced tea (sweet tea) is a staple year round in our house.

  5. Lovely photos of Mina,she certainly knows how to make herself comfortable. I love the sound of crickets but it's hot enough for them here in Scotland.
    Happy weekend!

  6. Happy Solstice to you and Mina. She is sweet. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  7. cute cat! Hi, I'm new to your blog. I am also particularly partial to 'passion(fruit) iced tea.'

  8. Ice tea is the perfect summertime drink! That cat definitely has attitude. :) Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  9. So, I am a little sad that the days will get shorter from here … this evening I was just out wandering and taking photos and enjoying the long light. I resolve to make the most of them all until short days return! Mina reminds me of our Maggie, who stretches out that paw when she is on our lap and expressing 'I OWN YOU'. Enjoy your week ahead.

  10. I'm always fascinated to hear about special food days and months, didn't know that June was Ice Tea month but I will celebrate with you these last few days and make a note on the Calendar for next year.
    Mina makes a great mosaic subject, hope the rain stops and she can get out and about again soon.
    Happy Mosaic Monday.

  11. Thanks for dropping by my blog today. Happy Mosaic Monday

    much love...

  12. I made a pitcher of tea for lunch today. Very refreshing with a slice of lemon on a HOT day! The subscription boxes are always so tempting to me. I loved living in Texas most of my life and know they have lots of great local items! Enjoy your afternoon! Hugs!

  13. I love the longest day of the year, I look forward to it all year! Love long days of light. Your tea sounds wonderful, one of the best things about summer. Love your lovely Mina, so pretty. Wishing you a wonderful summer and no hurricanes. Hugs.........

  14. Your kitty has the sweetest face. The tea sounds tasty. I so enjoy an afternoon tea time.

  15. Your cat is so beautiful & cute <3 All the best, hope for an ordinary plain rain, no hurricane!

  16. I hope the rain stops for you soon. I imagine Mina doesn't enjoy it very much at all, and much prefers sitting on her pillow indoors! Enjoy the rest of the week.

  17. Cute Kitty and Ice Tea is so perfect for the Summer, isn't it???
    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  18. Such a sweet kitty! I hope some of your rain comes up to Colorado ---we need it desperately. Happy summer, Snap!

  19. I've heard there was some flooding again down around Beaumont. I hope you didn't get any. Cute, cute kitty.Thanks for linking to Keep In Touch.

  20. I hope the rain has let up by now -- you kitty actually looks quite playful for being bored. hope all is well with both of you.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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