Thursday, May 3, 2018

Tra La! It's May!

It's the magical month of May.

I couldn't resist a lovely May Day bouquet.

May Day

I have several pots of Lantana blooming in
Musashi's Garden.
I hope the butterflies like them as much as I do!


The crocosmia blooming came as a surprise.
I didn't see the plant at all last year.


Another amaryllis is blooming, too.


May also means that I start preparing
for my six month summer hibernation!
I have plenty of yarn for projects.
Never too early to start holiday gifts!

It's already hot and humid.
Smoothies are definitely in order.

It's also time to think about hurricane supplies.
I've started loading up on water
and will think about what canned goods I might like.


  1. Beautiful photos! That smoothie looks good :)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  2. Oh such beautiful flowers. We are not quite there yet...but the magnolias and the bulbs are blooming and I think we are past our last frost at long last.

  3. Oh Snap, these are just so beautiful! I fall into each and every photo and smile!

  4. Beautiful flowers and smoothies? Life is good!

  5. Such a fun post! Your flowers are lovely and the smoothie looks delicious. Living in Phoenix, I can relate to the summer hibernation. That said, I'd rather have the heat of summer than the bone chilling cold of winters elsewhere. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  6. ...thanks a bunch for brightening my day with all your spring colors! Enjoy your weekend and please stop back again.

  7. Lovely photographs - lovely post!!

  8. Your flowers are so very lovely! It is so wonderful to experience spring at last! Thank you and have a wonderful week!

  9. This flower loving girl enjoyed this post! Beautiful, each one! How did you make the last mosaic. Love this idea!

  10. Yum, the smoothie looks delicious! Beautiful photos, lovely amaryllis!

  11. Luv luv that heart mosaic
    Happy Monday, thanks for dropping by my blog today

    much love...

  12. Love the lantana -- I took so many pictures of it when we first saw it in Texas -- I thought it was a rare plant as I'd never seen it until then. I still love it.

    By hibernation do you mean you just stay indoors because of the heat for six months?

  13. Such beautiful flowers. Your garden must be giving you a lot of pleasure just now. Do you hibernate from the heat? Here it's the cold that drives people indoors. Enjoy those projects.

  14. Hurricanes and hibernation.....two very worrying words. I hope you stay safe from hurricanes and I hope that it isn't the extreme heat that will necessitate the hibernation.
    I like the Lantana. I'm going to have to see if there is any available up here.

  15. Thank you so much for the beautiful bouquet of May flowers, simply gorgeous! Your garden is looking wonderful too everything is thriving, especially that stunning amaryllis.
    Stay cool and stay safe away from any hurricanes.

  16. So many pretty flowers! A smoothie sounds good on a hot day! - Karen

  17. You convinced me to make smoothies for dinner tonight. We had a bigger lunch than usual so it's going to be just right.

  18. Hot and humid are not happy words to seeing flowers blooming make spring into summer a glorious season! I hope the hurricanes do not come your way this year!

  19. It's so fascinating what different worlds we live in, although on the same planet. I can't get over your 'six-month hibernation' and 'hurricane supplies'. We just put our patio furniture out on the deck!!!

    Thanks for sharing the beautiful flowers (and the smoothie idea - I can sip a smoothie any time of year!!)

  20. I know what you mean about your six month hibernation, Snap! Your smoothie looks cool and delish! I must remember to plant some lantana, too.
    Thank you for your visit. Have I ever told you that your comments are not emailed to me? I do see them on my comments page, though, and I appreciate your visits.

  21. I love your May flowers! Guess what, I found you on Debras blog, we are both Heirophant on our cards! Must be something to it, we seem to like the same things! Wishing YOU joy!

  22. That smoothie looks yummy! I don't know where you live but I hope you don't have a bad hurricane season. We had a few weeks of severe storms, but fortunately none came too close. Have a good weekend.

  23. LOL - now I have that wonderful Camelot song stuck in my head! It will last the whole month now cuz I just recently stopped hearing it in my head, haha.

    Your flowers are gorgeous.

    Come stay here for a visit. We don't get hurricanes. : - )

    We can watch Camelot together. lol.

  24. Beautiful flowers. I'm sorry you have to hibernate during a long and hot summer. We have a little while yet before it becomes unbearably. Thanks for linking up to Keep In Touch.

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'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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