Monday, January 1, 2018

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

Baby, It's Cold Outside!
This is the coldest start to the New Year that Houston has seen in years.
I've come to grips with the knowledge that most of the tropicals 
will be no more.
Some may return from their roots, but.....

I'm determined to read more in 2018.
I started early with some holiday reading and,
in Neil Gaiman's New Year wish -- some fine reading!

Holiday Reading

The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden
is book one in the Winternight Trilogy.
Perfect for cold weather reading!
Set in Northern Russia where winter lasts almost all year.
A fantasy/history mix filled with folklore.

I finished The Man Who Invented Christmas before the holidays.
I didn't mention it because I loved it so much I gave copies as gifts.
Didn't want anyone to dash out and buy a copy!
I wish my English teachers in high school had Standiford's ability to bring
Charles Dickens to life.
I learned so much about Dickens, Christmas, 
history of publishing and copyright.
A great edition to my collection of holiday books.
I understand that it's also a movie. 


I'm currently reading
Endurance, A Year In Space, A Lifetime of Discovery by Scott Kelly
and it's a winner.
Almost impossible to put down.
Here's to science and the human desire to explore!

Baby It's Cold Outside

I'm going to settle down with tea in my new mug and read.
Isn't the mug pretty?!
I have a dear friend who gives me a red and white mug every year.
She always finds the perfect mug for me.
This one is a little oversize -- the more tea the better!

I watched the Rose Bowl Parade -- 
can't remember missing a year -- a real tradition.
Books on one side, knitting on the other
and football soon to start!

Wishing YOU well and much joy in this New Year.
May it bring peace to all. 

Keep In Touch

Share Your Cup Thursday

Willy Nilly Friday



  1. Hello, thanks for the sharing the book. Your mug is pretty. Have a great new day, new week and a happy New Year!

  2. Brrr!!! A comfy chair, a cup of tea, and a good book - best defense against the cold. Happy New Year!

  3. Hey Snap -- happiest of new years to you. Love the photo with the mug on top of the pile of books -- it's a little snippet of heaven.

  4. Wishing you a VERY happy New Year! And loads of reading. I'm getting my reading post in order (should go up in a day or two). I'd love to read "The Man Who Invented Christmas." I saw the movie the week before Christmas and I really enjoyed it, rich with period detail and really rather delightful performances (but then in my book, Christopher Plummer can do almost anything!).

    Have a lovely 2018!

    ~ jeanie from Marmelade Gypsy

  5. I want to do more reading this year too, Snap. But I don't need to read about WINTER! The cold reality is enough for me, lol.

  6. Yes, Snap your mug is darling! I don't read nearly as much as I use to either. I need to start taking the time. Hopped over from Katie's blog We are next to each other on her link up.

  7. The Man Who Invented Christmas was a wonderful movie. It didn't get any attention and it should have. I absolutely loved it and will buy the DVD. Now that I know there's a book I can't wait to buy it and read it. Thanks for the review. I think this movie will be a classic in the future when people learn about it. It's A Wonderful Life was a real sleeper too.

  8. I am a member of a book club and we just decided on 6 new books for half the year. I will write down the ones you suggest for future selections.

    Happy and healthy New Year!

  9. ...and I can't remember a year watching the Rose Bowl Parade! Happy New Year.

  10. tea and books, great combo! love the pretty little mug! the books sound interesting! might need to get the christmas book for next christmas! i plan to read more too this year! happy new year and thank you for linking up snap!!

  11. Glad to see you have such good taste in reading. I love to read. Right now I have diverted from the unusual and am reading a bio of Clark Gable. He was a rascal!! But, such a handsome one.

  12. So beautiful mug and "The bear and the nightingale" sounds like a book for me. But it isn't just in German (have searched), maybe, it will be later?
    Happy healthy new year :)
    We have spring-like temps.

  13. Happy 2018! My husband and I love to read and currently have a stack of books to get started on! The mug is really a pretty one!

  14. What wonderful book choices! I added The Man bWho Invented Christmas to my Goodreads "To Read" list per your recommendation. Dickens actual The Christmas Carol is one of the best books I have EVER it to our grandson about four years ago. We have all seen the movies and plays, but to actually read the story was awesome and Dickens was a MASTER....his writing was a joy! Another book I'd like to recommend is the little volume That Quail, Robert...just read it and loved it! Have a great week weekend!

  15. I am glad to hear someone else enjoys the Rose Bowl Parade. Each float was more impressive ... I just couldn't stop saying WOW! It's on my bucket list to attend in person one year. I can only imagine that the colors are even more vibrant from the stands! Happy New Year!

  16. I'm glad that you have been finding some time to read. I really need to take time to do the same. Thanks for sharing with SYC.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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