Sunday, January 28, 2018

Adorable Beetles

While the weather was bad --
I tried to stay busy by reading, knitting and drinking tea.
In other words, I was entertaining myself!

This is a pattern I found on a Caron Cake label.
Caron calls it a "scarf/shawl" and made with one cake.
I made one earlier in autumn colors and thought this color way
looked more like winter.


I can depend on my kitties to supervise.
Mina is reminding me that I have ends to weave in
and Oliver thinks he should play with those ends first. 

Mina and Oliver

Mina, Oliver and Knitting

I saw the cutest crochet project on FB and wanted to share it with you.
When I looked for the post, I couldn't find it!
I had to wait until the pattern book arrived from Amazon so I could share.

Isn't this fun?!
All these adorable beetles, bugs and butterflies.
Did you ever think the word adorable and beetle would go together?!

Beetles, Bugs and Butterflies

Beetles, Bugs and Butterflies

Fun patterns written using US terms.
One of the things I like the most,
it is a great kids book, too.
It follows the insects as they grow up and transform from tiny bugs
to beautiful butterflies, ladybugs and beetles.
You can crochet a complete life cycle of a butterfly or a snail.

Beetles, Bugs and Butterflies

I think this will be a great stash buster, too!

Beetles, Bugs and Butterflies


Monday, January 15, 2018

Stay Cozy

"Winter is the time for comfort,
for good food and warmth,
for the touch of a friendly hand
and for a talk beside the fire.
It is the time for home."
~ Edith Sitwell

I was greeted by this poem when I opened my January
Texas Market Box. 
Even the Gulf Coast of Texas is having winter this year.
I've given up trying to save the tropicals.
There will be a lot of planting in the spring!

Back to the Texas Market Box!

My Texas Market

I've been subscribing to the Texas Market box for several years now.
I've never been disappointed with the contents.
Always something I've not seen before and fun! 

Here's how the Texas Market folks describe their service:

"My Texas Market is a subscription-based delivery service that sends  carefully curated packages filled with small-batch, artisan items from  farmers’ markets and local Texas businesses to customers each month.   Our purpose is to expose consumers to great new products and companies,  offer vendors a new market, encourage the support of local artisan  businesses, and simply share our love for the Texas farmers' market with  people who might not be able to enjoy it in person."   
My Texas Market Box

Stay Cozy Mug

Stay Cozy Coffee Mug (or in my case a tea mug)
From Mugg + Co in Dallas, TX

Handcrafted Coaster

Handcrafted Coaster by Gaston Made in Dallas, Tx.
"Enjoy a modern, handcrafted coaster made from scratch in a wood shop by local business owners Alex and Emily. They've been featured in West Elm. Their handmade home goods can be found at Gaston Made."

Hot Chocolate Cocoa

Hot chocolate for the Cozy mug!
Hot Chocolate Cocoa from CocoAndre Chocolatier in Dallas.
"warm up with a cup of hot cocoa made with a blend of dark and milk Belgian dark chocolate this winter. Andrea Pedraza and daughter Cindy create pure chocolate confections that serve to make sweet memories."
Visit their shop at Cocaandre.


I didn't remove the Royal Vanilla Moisturizing Cream and Lip Balm
from it's packaging. I wanted to give you an idea of how things are shipped.

From Hooga Organic Skincare in McKinney, TX
"Hooga is a family of skincare products that are specially formulated in a very natural and organic way. These products were born from the idea of healthier, simpler and essential way of life.

The Hooga Royal Vanilla Moisturizing Cream is ideal for a deep, powerful or overnight moisturizing session. This new formula combines avocado and olive oil with the lovely aromas of vanilla and a hint of tangerine.

The Hooga Lip Balm will protect and moisturize your lips." 

Their products can be found at Hooga Skin Care

That's it! 
My January Texas Market Box for January.
It will definitely help keep me cozy this winter!

My Texas Market Box

Wishing YOU well and much joy!
Stay warm and cozy on this MLK day.

Amaze Me Monday
Keep In Touch
Make It Pretty Monday
Mosaic Monday
Share Your Cup Thursday

I received no compensation for this post.
I just really enjoy My Texas Market!

Monday, January 8, 2018

I Heard A Bird Sing

I love this little poem.
The words are just as true in January as December.

I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December.

A magical thing

And sweet to remember.

"We are nearer to Spring
Than we were in September,"

I heard a bird sing

In the dark of December.

–Oliver Herford (1863–1935)


The robins, cardinals, jays, doves and sparrows have been busy singing.
Thanking me for putting extra food out for them on these cold days.


I thought the cold winter days could use a little cheer.
Cassie helping me with this little still life,
Yellow is such a happy color!

Cassie Helping!

Meanwhile, my tree is still up.
It's hard to take it down.
It's so pretty and twinkly -- everyone needs more twinkly!

The snowmen will have a place of honor throughout the month of January.
It is winter -- even on the Gulf Coast.

Mr. and Mrs. Snow


Wishing YOU well and much joy in this new year!

Make It Pretty Monday

Keep In Touch

Share Your Cup Thursday

Willy Nilly Friday


Monday, January 1, 2018

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

Baby, It's Cold Outside!
This is the coldest start to the New Year that Houston has seen in years.
I've come to grips with the knowledge that most of the tropicals 
will be no more.
Some may return from their roots, but.....

I'm determined to read more in 2018.
I started early with some holiday reading and,
in Neil Gaiman's New Year wish -- some fine reading!

Holiday Reading

The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden
is book one in the Winternight Trilogy.
Perfect for cold weather reading!
Set in Northern Russia where winter lasts almost all year.
A fantasy/history mix filled with folklore.

I finished The Man Who Invented Christmas before the holidays.
I didn't mention it because I loved it so much I gave copies as gifts.
Didn't want anyone to dash out and buy a copy!
I wish my English teachers in high school had Standiford's ability to bring
Charles Dickens to life.
I learned so much about Dickens, Christmas, 
history of publishing and copyright.
A great edition to my collection of holiday books.
I understand that it's also a movie. 


I'm currently reading
Endurance, A Year In Space, A Lifetime of Discovery by Scott Kelly
and it's a winner.
Almost impossible to put down.
Here's to science and the human desire to explore!

Baby It's Cold Outside

I'm going to settle down with tea in my new mug and read.
Isn't the mug pretty?!
I have a dear friend who gives me a red and white mug every year.
She always finds the perfect mug for me.
This one is a little oversize -- the more tea the better!

I watched the Rose Bowl Parade -- 
can't remember missing a year -- a real tradition.
Books on one side, knitting on the other
and football soon to start!

Wishing YOU well and much joy in this New Year.
May it bring peace to all. 

Keep In Touch

Share Your Cup Thursday

Willy Nilly Friday
