Friday, March 10, 2017

Like Raindrops in Spring!

February was the hottest month here since "they" started keeping records.
Bodes ill for summer.

March has come in with rain... all weekend and most of the week.
But it was a nice rain, slow steady raindrops and about 4 - 6 inches worth.


It's March and thoughts have turned to Spring!

I've been slowly finding my Easter decorations.

My favorite Easter Bunnies.


They make me smile.

Easter Bunny

Sitting at the kitchen table
surrounded by some of my favorite things
is a great way to start the day!


Working on the Cottage Charm Afghan.
I bought the kit from Mary Maxim.
Nice yarn and the pattern is easy to follow.

Crochet Afgna

However, I've run out of yarn twice.
I'm a "tight" crocheter so I was a little surprised.
I had one more pink flower to make.
Thankfully, I had some yarn at home that was a close enough match.
Then I ran out of the green.
I had to go out and find a green yarn to match.
I now have enough of the green to make another afghan.
Feast or famine! Ha!

Now adding the blue to the squares and wondering if I will have enough yarn.


Tea and Books

I started a "new to me" cozy mystery series by Laura Bradford.
They are set in Amish country -- Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
I visited the area some 15 years ago.
Came home with a Quillow (a blanket that folds into a pillow)
 which is mentioned in the first Amish mystery Hearse and Buggy.
I thought Hearse and Buggy was one of the best first books in a cozy series I had read in a long time - so much so that I dashed out and bought the next four! 
The books pictured here are the ones that I've read.
I like the characters, the story line, the mix of the "English" and Amish life styles. 

Tea and Books

The lovely teacup was a Christmas gift from one of my sister's by choice.
It is an Aynsley.
Aqua is one of my favorite colors.
Pretty waves on the cup and saucer with gold rims.
Fun spring-time flowers on the inside of the cup.

Tea and Books

Tea and Books

Five on Friday

Willy Nilly Friday

Mosaic Monday

Monday Social

From the Fortune Cookie Journal:
"Good fortune will shower you like raindrops in spring."

Wishing YOU well and much joy!



  1. i really love your easter decorations! the books look interesting...i will have to add them to my book list...a few years ago i read a book based on amish coming to america and really enjoyed it. thanks so much for linking and have a great weekend!

  2. Oh yes, it's time to get out the Easter bunnies and yours are especially pretty.

  3. okay - I'm going to look for Laura Bradford books - Your Easter things make Me Smile, Too!
    Brilliant Weekend to You!

  4. Your bunnies make me smile too and I love the little teapot with the cardinal on it.

  5. Wonderful post. I loved the photos - especially the one of the books and the teacup. Those books are a fun read. I've read most of them. Nice crocheting!

    Happy Five on Friday!

  6. Awwww what a sweet spring and bunny post!
    I love any amish fiction so I'll be on the look out for those books!

  7. So lovely spring and easter things! Never heard about Laura Bradford, seems, these books are not aivable in German, but one older book I found , it's at my wishlist now
    "Paintbrush in Paris" is really an adorable book and my first in English.
    Enjoy xyour weekend

  8. I'm fascinated by the Amish. "Witness" is one of my favourite movies. So that Amish country mystery series sounds good to me! I sure wouldn't want to live like the Amish though. Especially the Amish women.

  9. I love it when I find a new book series and it's been a while since I discovered any new authors. I might try your recommendation.

  10. Your blanket is looking very pretty. Have a great weekend.

  11. That afghan is going to be beautiful!!! I like the bunnies...the mysteries sound good.

  12. I enjoyed your Easter decorations. Learning English language is my hobby, and I liked to read your words "Fun spring-time flowers on the inside of the cup".
    The blue color perfectly matches to the flowers in the center!
    Have a good weekend!

  13. I love the colours of your crochet blanket. Funny how despite a stash of yarn there is never the colour you need!

  14. ...looks like you are ready for spring.

  15. This post is full of lovely colours that hint of spring in the teacup and the afghan. Finding a new author is like finding treasure!

  16. So many beautiful things together!! love those granny squares..

    Please visit:

  17. Love the afghan - hope you end up with enough of the blue. And what a lovely teacup, perfect for a cup of spring tea. And your bunnies are perfect.

  18. Your photos set such a cozy scene for this rainy March. I'm currently crocheting a baby blanket and suspect I'm going to need to run out for more yarn - I'm terrible at figuring that... I love cozy mysteries - I need to look up this series.

  19. The bunnys look fabulous. The afghan seems to be coming along too, I long to learn how to crochet, maybe I will try to learn this year

  20. So enjoying seeing spring arrive as I blog hop around the Mosaic Monday crowd this week. Love your bunnies!
    I hope that you get the afghan finished without another trip to the store, it is so pretty.
    Thanks too for the book recommendations, I'm always looking for new authors to try.

  21. Love your creative mosaics. While you were hot we were experiencing below average temps here in the Pacific Northwest. Visiting from Mosaic Monday. Hope you have a good week.

  22. The afghan squares are coming along. Very pretty colors. Sylvia D.

  23. I am loving all your Easter decorations.Easter things are always so sweet and soft colors. Peaceful!!!! Your crochet is fantastic. Don't even ask about my crocheting. NOT But I do knit on occasion. LOL

  24. Bunnies are the embodiment of spring and Easter. It is only fitting that you have so many pretty ones decorating your home. I need to step up my game and get some for my spring decor too.

  25. I love the bunnies! I wish I could crochet. The quillow sounds interesting!

  26. Wonderful Spring post -- love your whimsical bunnies.

  27. Beautiful post Snap bringing together many favourites of mine.
    I wish I could have joined you for your St Patrick's day tea - it all looked so charming!
    I love Mr Rabbit ans Miss Chick resplendent in the Easter finery!

    The joy of the arrival of Spring is a wonderful feeling - said as we are in Autumn with Winter waiting in the wings!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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