Friday, July 8, 2016

This and That

I hope all my friends in the U.S. and Canada enjoyed their holiday weekend.
This is what happened around Twisty Lane. 

1. One last lunch to celebrate my birthday
and my friend's birthday.
We were about six weeks late, but it's never too late to celebrate.
We went to Little Liberty.
(Perfect for the 4th of July weekend.)


We both ordered the Hawaiian Poke
(raw fish salad appetizer)
with tuna, tamari, cucumber base, mango and avocado.
Delicious and it all was on my diet!

2. I finished reading Clammed Up (A Maine Clambake Mystery) by Barbara Ross.
A good read for the 4th of July weekend.
Clammed Up is the first in the series.
I thought it was amazingly good for the first book in a cozy series.
Clambakes, Murder and Recipes -- what more could one want??!!

3. I was ready for the 4th of July.

4th of July

Uncle Sam was flying high over the bunting clad balcony.

4. I made a quick trip to Ross.
It's right next door to Michaels (more yarn).
I figured, why not!
Sometimes I find something, sometimes I don't.
I found these kitchen towels.

Kitchen Towels

I watched all the fireworks at home on tv -- switching between channels.
No way was I going out in the heat, humidity and crowds.

5. Several of you wanted to see the crochet lovie blanket.
I finished one of the owls and have a panda started.
Too cute!
All finished in time for the baby shower.

Owl Lovie

Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. Great July 4th décor. Loved the crochet blankie, a great pattern.

  2. Every day should be a celebration!

  3. What a lovely selection of things you have shared. The salad looks so yummy. And, the blanket is too cute! Pat xx

  4. Sounds like a nice 4th. Glad you enjoyed a birthday lunch with a friend. Weather was so perfect here. Cookout with family, what could be better. xox

  5. Glad you celebrated the 4th your way, lunch with friends and fireworks on tv sounds good to me. Your Uncle Sam and the bunting were just the ticket.
    bon weekend

  6. I love your little crochet friend! Too cute! I am sure that it will be a very popular baby gift indeed. Glad you had a good week. Thank you for joining in Five On Friday, I hope you have a great weekend! xx

  7. Love your Uncle Sam windsock and bunting!

  8. Sounds like you had a lovely lunch out with friends. That owl blanket looks so cute. Who can resist a visit to Michaels? They always have such great sales and coupons!

    Have a great weekend

  9. Lovely crochet project! Nice day out too! Looks like you had a nice Independence ay as well!

  10. I loved uncle Sam. He's too cute. Whereever did you find him? And, those nice towels...and I am not forgetting that darling little baby gift. I just looked at it all.... well, maybe not so much the raw fish salad. I am a bit (maybe a lot) squimish. Can't wait to see what you do for next week.

  11. That little blanket is adorable!

  12. Glad you enjoyed your celebrations. :-)

  13. What a lovely Five. Looks like you had a great time celebrating on 4th July and I love the little owl comfort blamket. Have a lovely weekend:)

  14. I love your 4th of July bunting! I just started reading "Clammed Up"! I love cozy mysteries and all things "Maine"! ;)

  15. Your July 4th decorations look nice with Uncle Sam dancing on the wind. When I looked at your lunch, I thought that was raw fish, not sure I could eat it but know you enjoyed it, and the company of your friend.
    A sweet owl lovie basket, make sure you show us the panda!

  16. Fun times - great decorations and cute blankie.

  17. Sounds like you've been busy. That lovie is so cute!!

  18. Looks like you enjoyed the celebration

  19. Lovely 4thof July decoration and I must say I love that little owlie.

  20. I like raw fish.Your dish is tempting me. I think I need a glass of wine now! That little blanket is so sweet! Happy new week to you!!

  21. I love tuna...that looks delist! Your love crochet owl is so cute! I certainly wish we had a Few stores closer...we do have a Ross but very small, and it looked quite empty last week...hope we aren't losing that! So glad you had such an extended birthday!

  22. What a fun and happy post! Thank you for sharing and thank you for the visit and sweet comment at The Dedicated House. It means the world! Feel free to share this at my Make it Pretty Monday party which goes live Monday at 8:00PM CDT. Here is the link to this week's past party if you want to check it out. Hope you can join in the fun! Have a happy week ahead. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  23. While I have never tried to crochet a lovie, I enjoyed seeing what you have made...ready to be cuddled!

  24. That blanket is really cute! Glad your holiday weekend went well and thanks for sharing.


  25. Sounds like a perfect time - good food, a cozy, being with family and friends!

  26. What a fun post, so many lovely things. And Little Liberty did you proud - lunch looks delicious.

  27. Love your patriotic balcony and the adorable lovey. So nice visiting!

  28. Your owl is adorable! Great work. Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  29. It looks like you had a very delicious birthday lunch, Snap! Your owl lovie is adorable

  30. the lovie blanket turned out so cute! i love how you decorated for the 4th..we didn't get to see fireworks this year. on the 4th they were rained out and a makeup day was scheduled but i still wasn't feeling well with that sinus infection :( thank you for linking to willy nilly!!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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