Thursday, June 23, 2016

This and That

1. I made a new friend last week.
His name is Bruno.
He belongs to a friend of mine.


Bruno is a three month old Mastiff.
He is a big teddy bear in a dog costume.
Like my kitties, he loves to have his chin scratched.

2. I'm working on another baby blanket.
Using my favorite pattern again.
It is quick and easy and looks complicated.
You can find the free crochet pattern here.

Baby Afghan

If I finish with time left before the baby shower,
I might try making one of these:

Animal Love Blankets

These little gems should be a good stash buster!

3.  I had a birthday at the end of May 

and all of my sisters-by-choice spoiled me.
They know all about my love for tea and I hit the jackpot.

Needlepoint Pillow/Rosina Teacup

One of my sisters is an accomplished needlepoint-er. 
She always has a project going on. 
The pillow is from her.
Perfect for her tea lover sister.

I love the Rosina teacup.
Very different with it's fluted tulip cup shape and high handle.
The saucer is fluted,too.
The blue design is very delicate.

The teacup sits on a Serendipi-tea Tea Box full of chocolate tea.
Sounds decadent, doesn't it!
Serendipi-Tea is a World Tea Awards Finalist for the Best Tea Brand.

4. In Musashi's Garden the plumeria is blooming.
Perfect timing: the gardenia just finished.
The garden has gone from one glorious scent to another.


5. When I put the crochet hook down,
I pick up Valiant Ambition by Nathaniel Philbrick.
I heard an interview with Philbrick on NPR.
I enjoyed it so much, I decided I would have to read the book.
It isn't exactly what I would call Summer Reading,
but it is a fascinating look at the American Revolution,
especially George Washington and Benedict Arnold.
With luck, I'll have it finished by July 4. 

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Five on Friday

Home Sweet Home


  1. Your baby blanket is very pretty! I love the teacup pillow and teacup! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  2. Oh that plumeria - my d-i-l's favorite. You hit the jackpot in gifts, Snap. Happy belated Birthday. Your fingers are always busy, providing a scratch or crochet gift. Happy summer to you. I hope you're not melting!

  3. Beautiful tea cup and I have never tasted chocolate tea before, what a treat that must be! Bruno looks like a happy pup. Have a great weekend!

  4. Oh my, Bruno is absolutely darling! Such a sweet face :)

    And I just loved seeing your Rosina tea cup as I have the same one...isn't it delightful?

    Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs!

  5. What a nice cup and great handcrafting.
    To find a new friend is always a luck :-)

  6. The pillow is gorgeous. It's such a lovely present. Bruno looks like a great new friend.

    Have a lovely weekend

  7. OMG those Animal Lovie Blankets are so cute! Especially the panda and the bunny.

  8. I love the sweet baby blanket and the nice book of patterns. I'm going to see if my library has that book. My husband and I both love to read books about the history of our nation. Hugs, Diane

  9. Happy Birthday! Your gifts are amazing! I love the pillow. Your baby blanket is adorable! I hope you have time to make the animal baby blanket. I want to see how it turns out. Enjoy your week.

  10. Love the pet lovies idea. what a special treat for the future at a baby shower.

  11. Belated birthday wishes, you were certainly blessed with some amazing gifts. The needlepoint pillow was amazing. Have a great weekend.

  12. He's cute, but he's going to be huge! The animal blankets are adorable. The Plumeria smell so good.!

  13. Your new friends is a cutie! And I enjoyed seeing your crocheting projects. Right now I'm working on market bags for women in Haiti. Making the pattern up as I go. Or trying. I have a quilted wall hanging from a sister by choice that reminds me a lot of that beautiful needlepoint pillow you were given. Happy Weekend!

  14. It sounds as if you have wonderful friends and happy belated birthday! The baby blanket is a beauty!!! Bruno looks like he would be a great four-legged friend! Happy weekend! Pam @ Everyday Living

  15. What a gorgeous new friend you have, for life probably :)
    Beautiful photo of the flower, very elegant. Thanks for sharing your five.


  16. Fab 5 this week, Bruno is only 3 months old? Goodness me, he's going to be a handful when fully grown, what a cutie!
    bon weekend

  17. Hello,Snap,
    Your new friend, Bruno is cool!! That baby blanket is pretty.
    Have a happy weekend!
    PC...I like your cat on your header too.

  18. Bruno is adorable isn't he!! What a lovely dog he will be! I am sorry to be so late visiting, we had a minor domestic drama yesterday - nothing serious in the end, all ok - but I didn't get a change to do any blogging. Thank you so much for taking part in Five On Friday, I do appreciate it! Hope you are having a great weekend!

  19. Your needlepoint cushion is beautiful and must have taken ages. :-)

  20. Love your this and that 5 things! The baby blanket is lovely!

  21. I love that Bruno doggie - such a sweet face. I call the ladies in my cooking club my "Chosen Sisters", but I also like your "Sisters-By-Choice". No matter what we call them, we're kindred spirits, aren't we? I'm developing a fondness for the Five on Friday Sisters (and/or Brothers) as well. So much to learn from and about people around the world.

  22. For your new project, I wish you much joy , I look forward to new pictures.
    I also admire the tea lover pillow of your sister, she is very talented.
    Say hello to sweet Bruno !

  23. The tea-themed needlepoint is gorgeous - truly a labour of love. The shapes of tea cups add lots of personality, I think. Your crochet project is beautiful and will keep some sweet baby warm.
    Have a great week, Snap.

  24. Gardenia's offer my favorite scent! It is wonderful you can grow them and other lovely scented flowers. Thanks for sharing your crocheting pattern ideas. Your birthday gifts are lovely, each uniquely precious. I hope you and Bruno continue to grow your friendship and that you enjoy finishing reading the the 4th :)

  25. Lovely gifts for your birthday - Happy Birthday! I love the beautiful pillow and your crochet. The book sounds interesting, too. Happy 4th! x Karen

  26. Hello, you baby blanket is so pretty. Bruno is a sweet looking dog. Happy Belated Birthday, I hope you had a great day! Lovely bloom. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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