Sunday, March 6, 2016

Let's Party!

"Spring is nature's way of saying, 'Let's party!'"
~ Robin Williams

My Freesia are blooming.
I have them in pots on the balcony.
I know spring is here when they start to bloom.


I love the yellow ... such a happy color!

I found some more freesia bulbs well after the season last year.
Such a small little bulb to make pretty flowers.
I bought them and added them to the pots.
The pretty red is one of the new ones.


"Spring won't let me stay in this house any longer! 
I must get out and breathe the air deeply again."
~ Gustav Mahler


Freesias are strongly scented. 
They have five to 10 single or double flowers.
Stems are usually 10 to 18 inches long with little or no foliage.
The bell-shaped freesia blooms up to seven days and comes in
white, golden yellow, orange, red, pink, mauve, lavender, purple and bicolors.

I'm joining Sun Lit Sunday


Mosaic Monday.

Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. Thank you for this lovely post! These yellow flowers are like sunshine, so happy and cheerful, and so much needed now. :)
    I had freesias in my wedding bouquet and have loved them ever since. Their fragrance is heavenly. I have never tried to grow them though, always thought it's difficult. What do you think?
    Have a great week ahead!

  2. A sunny Spring time, lots of gorgeous blossoms in many colors for the delight of soul!
    Warm greetings in March!

  3. How wonderful!! Here, we still have enormous amounts of snow, at the moment in the shape of thick slush on the streets and several meters high piles on the sides....

  4. Oh those lovely freesias - some of my very favorite flowers. I must get some bulbs this year.

  5. WOW! Such breathtaking photos!! Thank you!!

  6. Thank you for this treat

  7. Yellow is the perfect colour of Spring!

  8. Hello,Snap,
    Yellow is a magical color. They make me feel I am young!

  9. Hello, the freesia are pretty. The yellow is so cheerful! Pretty images and mosaic! Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  10. The beautiful freesia remind me of daffodils. I LOVE the cheery springtime color. What a delight!

  11. Nice to see these cheery blooms. A bit of green here too. xox

  12. No blooms here yet so I have greatly enjoyed yours! :)

  13. They are beautiful flowers, Snao! If I plant them here I'm afraid my deer visitors would eat them like candy...the only thing they seem to not like to eat is lavender. Have a wonderful day and enjoy the Spring like weather!

  14. Gorgeous flowers, so bright and cheerful. I would like to invite you to link with Today's Flowers and hope you'll join us if not for this week but perhaps for the next? :)

    Always delighted when you stop by to comment. Thank you so much!

  15. How wonderful to have beautiful fressias flowering! xx

  16. I like to treat myself to freesia now and again, for the colour and the perfume. I love both!

  17. Beautiful freesias. I don't think I've ever seen a red one - the white and yellow ones are more common around here.

  18. Lovely! I need to go and buy some spring flowers!

  19. I've purchased freesias alone as bouquets from the florist as I love their scent so much. The red you have is stunning, isn't it?

  20. I don't like yellow in my wardrobe but I love it in the garden :-) Happy spring.

  21. I have to agree with you, yellow is a happy colour! I'm still wrapping my head around pots of scented flowers in the first half of March! It looks like there was a touch of frost here last night.

  22. Oh -- I've seen that yellow flower before and was never sure what it was! Apparently it is one that nobody around me in Oregon grew (back in the day when we gardened and all our neighbors did and did it better than I did)... anyway it is beautiful and I know the scent only from lotions and I am sure the real thing is a hundred times more lovely. Now I want to look for them and sniff!!

  23. I had pale purple ones in my bouquet when I married my David. Love their scent.
    Thanks for sharing yours. Oh for smellovision !


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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