Monday, March 14, 2016

Irish Drinking Team

With St. Patrick's Day coming up
I've joined the official Irish Drinking Team
with one of my favorite drinks ---

The tea I've selected for the month of March is one of
 the Literary Teas from Simpson And Vail.  
The Literary Tea Line is a collection of blends that were created with a specific author in mind.
The teas vary from a black tea blend to a flavored herbal blend
and each is inspired by the authors' works and lives.

St Patrick's Day Tea

I filled the Belleek teapot with Simpson and Vail's Walt Whitman Tea Blend.
Simpson and Vail's Walt Whitman Tea Blend is inspired by his beautiful nature imagery in Leaves of Grass, especially the poems he wrote about roots and herbs. In one of his memoirs, Whitman describes a man who "express'd a great desire for good, strong green tea." This blend in an earthier and more mature variation of Simpson and Vail's Lemon Ginger Green Tea. It combines an unobtrusive green tea base with the earthiness of ginger and eleuthero roots (ginseng) and the sweetness and acid bite of lemon (with lemongrass, lemon peel, and lemon flavoring)."

St Patrick's Day Tea

"Walt Whitman was born May 31, 1819 to a house builder and his wife in Brooklyn. He was introduced to the written word at the age of 12 when he began working as a printer's apprentice. There, he taught himself to read and devoured the classics. When the printing house burned down, Walt taught for five years until he decided to pursue journalism. The first edition of Leaves of Grass, a rough self-published volume of only twelve poems, was printed in 1855. Whitman would continue to revise and reprint Leaves of Grass until he died. Though his contributions to poetry are considered some of the most important in American history, Whitman did not enjoy success in his lifetime. He spent much of his life struggling to get by with only a meager clerk's wage to support himself as well as his mother and invalid brother. An 1882 edition of Leaves of Grass finally afforded him enough wealth to buy a house in Camden, New Jersey where he would work on Good-Bye, My Fancy until his death in 1892.

(Surprise! I share my birthday with Walt Whitman!)

May you always
walk in sunshine.
May you never want for more.
May Irish angels rest their wings
right beside your door.
~ Irish Blessing

Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. Hello, the tea and cupcakes are a nice treat. Your teapot and cups are pretty. I love the Irish blessings. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  2. Dear Snap:
    What beautiful tea time pieces. I love the "misty" photo you took. I am so glad you linked and shared this lovely Irish tea time!

  3. Your Belleek is so pretty and the cupcakes look delicious!


  4. Pretty post, Snap. Now I want a cupcake. :)

  5. Will be on a plane home to USA on St. Patrick's Day with only my Good Earth tea in the suitcase. It will do! Slainte!

  6. What a cool idea to blend special teas to match authors and poets! I must check out that website.

    P.S. Erin go bragh!

  7. I do like the Beautiful Belleek Snap!

  8. Thank you for this enjoyable post

  9. The Belleek is beautiful Snap. Timeless. It reminds me of special visits with my mother who collected this beautiful porcelain. I would love to sip some of the lemon ginger green tea!

  10. You are a May baby? Me, too! I'll be in Vail on St Patrick's Day, and I fear I won't be sipping tea. I always love seeing your beautiful china.

  11. I do love your tea set! Very festive!

  12. Hi Snap! I'm part of the Irish Tea Drinking Tea, too! What a neat idea to match tea blends to literary authors. I wish I could sample some with you and share one of those yummy cupcakes, too. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  13. I'm so intrigued by the series of literary teas! Thank you for providing the link. How fun it will be to serve one of these teas during one of my book club meetings!
    Your Belleek teapot is just beautiful! I would love to add one to my collection. The lighting in your photographs is amazing. It really showcases the lovely natural shine on the Belleek.
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  14. I love your Belleek teapot and your special blend of Walt Whitman literary tea. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    When I lived in Brooklyn I often walked the same paths Whitman walked in Brooklyn Heights, and I always thought of him when I did.

  15. Your tea images are really pretty, Snap! The Belleek is always lovely to see and I love the daintiness of it. What a great idea to match your tea to a wonderful author such as Whitman. Thanks for sharing and Happy St Patrick's Day this week!


  16. What a delightful post, so lovely your Irish themed tea, ... and I enjoyed so much your thought dedicated to Walter Whitman!
    I'm so grateful to you for the beautiful comment you let on my bolg, I appreciate it so much !

    May the remainder of your week be blessed with joy
    sending love across the many miles, ... and Happy St.Patrick's Day


  17. How lovely! The literary teas are a brilliant idea! Love it!

  18. I just love to see your Belleek teapot! It's just gorgeous! And thatks for the reminder about Simpson & Vail...haven't checked out their website for awhile...looking for a new green tea! Happy St. Patrick's Day and thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  19. Very pretty tea post! Loving your beautiful Belleek teapot and cup:) Happy St. Patrick's Day to you! Warm hugs, Poppy

  20. So pretty. I love the Irish Belleek teapot and teacup with shamrocks, it's such a classic; hope to get a piece one day.
    Hope you had a great St. Pat's.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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