Thursday, January 7, 2016

Snowmen take over!

I celebrate the Christmas holidays through Epiphany.
I did take down the snowman and Santa Claus from the balcony.
I left the lights and garland around the balcony door.
Talking with my next door neighbor, we decided things will look very dull and drab when all the lights are down. 
Perhaps we should leave them up a little longer.
After all, it is winter! 
It's cloudy, rainy and cold (for here).
Some sparkly lights will make us feel better.



My Christmas cactus started blooming before Christmas.
Almost waited too long to take a photo.
Snowmen will take over the indoor decorations for the month of January.


I really like English Muffins.
THOMAS bakeries makes a special edition English Muffin for the holidays -- Cranberry.
I bought extra packages this year and froze them.
You never know when I might need a special edition treat! 

Hope your New Year (sweet 16) is off to a good start.

I'm joining Kim at

Little by Little

Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. I like your painted edit. Snowmen make me happy! Visiting from Kim's LTT

  2. Happy New Year in 2016!! Lovely edited pic...

  3. I like English muffins too, toasted with honey, jam or peanut butter! Or even just plain butter, mmmm.

  4. Christmas should be celebrated longer, I'm liking that you decided to do it!

  5. we still have yet to take the tree down

  6. I've seen tons of trees on the curb. Your cactus is so pretty. Hoping mine blooms soon!

  7. Oh yes, we should leave those happy lights up for longer! I took mine down though. I start early and it gets bothersome cleaning around it all.

  8. I love to take down my decorations in stages too, it does look boring when everything is down. And I love your idea of a special edition treat. Happy New Year to you as well.

  9. I take the tree down on the 27th or 28th as my girls celebrate a birthday on the 29th... but our lights are still up... and it is summer here!

  10. I like your watercolor photo - is that the real color of the cactus? So pretty! Our town lets the white lights up all through the winter. It's very pretty surrounded by snow.

  11. Technically you could leave your decorations up until the 2nd of February which is Candlemass, but you might not be so keen to see them in February! xx

  12. Sparkly lights are A-OK all year round! Wishing you a 2016 full of joy!

  13. We had those cranberry muffins! They are good. I like your snowmen and lights are always pretty.

  14. I think snowmen could stay up all winter long! They're part of winter and they need some special love.

  15. yeah, our house also looked dull when we started to take down all the decorations. But I think it would be cool if you let all the colorful lights brighten up your nights. ♥

  16. I'll be taking down our tree this weekend. Rain is in store for us. Happy New Year!

  17. Snowmen for the winter, go for it. xox

  18. We took our Christmas things down on January 1st, and replaced it all with fairly lights and candles. I agree that post Christmas needs sparkle.

  19. Aren't those cranberry English muffins amazing? It seems to me that I detect a little flavor of orange in them, also. The ingredient list only says "natural flavoring" but I maintain that it is orange!

    Yes, light and sparkle -- I must have it in this gloomy season. I leave out snowmen, snowflakes, icicles, glitter houses and some of my lighted buildings.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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