Monday, November 9, 2015

Nothing Like Being Done!

My Spice of Life Afghan is all done.
There are over 6000 members in the Face Book group.
Some are just starting their afghan.
Everyone in the group has been so supporting of the new crocheters.
Even us "old-timers" learned a few new helpful hints.

Spice of Life Afghan

I had a great time using my stash yarn.
(Still have plenty of stash left.)
I tried to follow the suggested Stylecraft yarn colors.
When I ran out of one color I changed to another.
(Dusty rose went from rose, to light purple, to pink.)
The edging is supposed to be green, but I didn't have any left.
I had plenty of light pink (not my favorite color) left
and so the edge is pink.
Not bad! 

Cassie and Mina

The girls, Cassie and Mina, have given their seal of approval to this afghan.
Good thing.
Our first cool weather has arrived and the afghan and the kitties
will feel good on my toes! 
An afghan -- makes home even more comfy.

Cherry Heart


I think I'm finished with my cowls.
I have all the upcoming birthdays and the holidays covered.
I hope! 
This is the latest color way that I used.
This is a Red Heart pattern called Papillon.

Papillon Cowl

This one is a little smaller in width than the others I made.
I was determined to use up the yarn and not add to the stash!
This cowl is mine. 


I made a dash to Trader Joe's over the weekend.
When I get home I always wonder why I don't shop there more often.
Great produce and today they had Teddy's (the oldest kitty) tuna.
They don't always have it in stock.
Much easier to give him his heart meds when there is tuna in the house! 

The other thing they had was 
Lemon, Ginger, Echinacea juice.
Oh, my.
Warmed on these cooler days -- divine!
Almost better than hot chocolate! 

Lemon Ginger Juice

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

I'm joining Sandi for No Place Like Home.


  1. Your afghan's gorgeous! Must be nice to have all the scrap yarn used up now too!

  2. I love colourful crochet and your afghan is really pretty. I have just finished knitting one and it has already been in use for chilly evenings.
    I wish we had a Trader Joe nearby. The closest is in WA and I haven't been for ages. I always buy their lavender soap. Lovely big, inexpensive bars that hold their scent right to the end. I keep a bar under my pillow for sweet dreams.

  3. I love your spice of life afghan...the colors are so pretty.

    Hugs from Oklahoma,

    Cottage Making Mommy

  4. That's a beautiful afghan. Most importantly, it has the feline stamp of approval. My afghans have been resting on the quilt rack all summer. Now, with these cooler days, time to put them back on or nearby our favorite chairs

  5. Your afghan is pretty and I love the colours in your cowl! Oh, to be able to crochet! My niece taught herself how and she is now winning ribbons for her work. Quite an accomplishment for her. I see your kitties are Siamese??. Love that breed. Friends of mine have always had them and they have such wonderful personalities. Thank you for sharing and joining me today. Have a lovely week.

    Autumn blessings,

  6. How pretty is that afghan!? I am working on my second scrap afghan. Love using a variety of colors.

  7. Your blanket is beautiful! A great way to use some of your stash! xx

  8. I love your afghan well done on getting it finished, I have just weaved the ends in mine and need to do the border, I did add some different stitches along the way because I get bored with the same patterns. I hope you will link it to the stash-buster party as it was made with stash yarn. Your cowl is lovely I love the colours. :)

  9. Thanks so much for stopping By!! What a pretty afghan!!


  10. A gorgeous afghan! I do not know how to crochet, and always admire the handiwork of those who do! Your kitties are very sweet as well! Have a blessed and wonderful day :)

  11. Your Afhan turned out to be just beautiful!

  12. That's a beautiful afghan. I've seen one similar to it, and saved the directions, but I'm only good at knitting dishcloths so far! It will be wonderful to have a cozy afghan and two kitties to keep you warm this winter. The Trader Joe's juice warmed up sounds wonderful. I'll have to look for it.

  13. Hi Snap! I love your multi colored afghan! I just finished one to donate to a shelter and used up odds and ends. It got very boring after awhile, I have to admit.
    Don't you just love TJ's? I bought their spicy apple cider and my son loves it. I haven't seen the lemon drink that you pictured.
    Happy tea time to you!.

  14. The afghan is lovely! And perfect for this time of year. It's 35 degrees at 7am this morning here...brrr...stay warm!

  15. Your Afghan is really lovely and your cute kitties think so too!

  16. Love the vibrant colours of your afghan! How I wshed that there were Trader Joe's north of the border.

  17. Beautiful afghan and so nice to be finished! Love the cowl too! Well done!

  18. Sooo pretty! I always admire people who can crochet and knit. I think it takes a lot of patience and skills...Christine

  19. Hello Dear! I am so happy to visit you today : )
    Your spice of life blanket is fab! Wow, made with left overs! That is amazing. I too, posted a blanket today, but not with the more advanced stitches you have done! Your cowls look gorgeous and warm too!
    Wishing you a lovely Autumn!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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